Fwd: [meteorite-list] Here's a NEW TOPIC

From: BOORX4_at_aol.com <BOORX4_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:21:05 2004
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Sorry fellow list members,

I had no intention of starting a war between the nonbelievers and the
believers on this list, although it was quite entertaining at times. I simply stated
that the creation theory was just as valid a theory for explaining the
universe>our solar system>and the beautiful meteorites that we all so dearly love.
Maybe more so than many of the "out in left field" / "have baked ideas" that
find their way onto this list.

Many of you were quite adamant about dropping the creation thread and getting
on with the discussion of meteorites. I agree, that is what this list is
suppose to be all about. After all the first rule of this list is "Posts need to
be related in some way to meteorites."

If that is the case, then let me be the "Devil's Advocate" for a moment and
ask the question:
What does "Mars near Moon," "Moon Capture theory, "probes sent to Mars,"
"Comets falling into the sun," the "Ord Cloud," "volcanic activity on Jupiter's
moon" etc.,etc., etc., (you get the picture) have to do with meteorites??????

If the list is going to discuss meteorites, then these subjects have no place
on our meteorite list. However, if these subjects are going to continue,
then the #1 rule needs to be changed to: "Posts need to be related in some way
to our solar system, its planets & satellites, comets, asteroids, space rocks
and of course meteorites.

So how should this problem be handled?
Let the discussion begin.

Mr. Bob

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Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 19:38:42 -0600
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Dear List,
We are still getting those zelots/non-zelots preaching/not preaching the
virtues of theology vs science after Art HAS PUT US
HOW about we all send hate mails to each person that posts more of the
crap that is banned? I am in favor!
This is a meteorite list, not a theology/non-theology list.
SPAM the posters with a few dozen or hundred emails all denouncing there
idiocy and it will slow it down.
OR, ART can deal with it (which I don't think we want to happen).

Meteorite-list mailing list

Received on Thu 17 Jul 2003 12:53:18 AM PDT

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