[meteorite-list] Tatahouine_strewnfield

From: Steve Schoner <steve_schoner_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:21:05 2004
Message-ID: <20030716162453.63792.qmail_at_web12703.mail.yahoo.com>


I would love to go there.

I always thought over the years that I have read about
it, that the fragments that were found in 1931 were
from the tail of the bolide.

Others from Europe confirmed it with some very
remarkable discoveries, finding very nice and fresh
looking pieces that are much larger than what was
originally found.

I still think that much more remains to be found.

But I can't help you too much as to the original
reports, other than the fact that the French army
personell reported that the strewnfield was about 800
meters wide, at the location originally reported.

I don't think that they investigated any farther than
that. So what I would do is find the original center
as it realates to the town as it was in 1931, then
move out about half a Km and start a circular search
pattern with that original strewnfield as the center.
 Spiral out, and when you find a piece make a note of
it and continue on moving ever farther from the
original center. When you find another piece, make
note of it in relation to the first find you made then
refine your search to an area that has lines drawn
from the original center to the locations of the two
pieces that you found (or hope to find). You should
be able to find more between those two pieces and the
original center and also most likely in a path leading
farther out from the spots indicated on your map.

That is how I would do it.

Steve Schoner/ams

--- Pierre-Marie_PELE <pierre.pele_at_voila.fr> wrote:
> Hello to all members of the list.
> I'm going to Tunisia in february and I would like to
> know the exact location of the Tatahouine
> strewnfield. I already know the GPS
> position from the Catalogue of Meteorites and that
> it's at 2.5 kilometers from the town center.
> So I would be very happy to receive the 1932 report
> made by the tunisian army or an exact GPS location.
> I thank everybody in advance.
> Regards,
> Pierre
> IMCA 3360
> ------------------------------------------
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