[meteorite-list] Re: where did our moon come from.

From: Tom aka James Knudson <knudson911_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:21:02 2004
Message-ID: <007601c34703$1d1698c0$8ace43d8_at_malcolm>

Hello Geoff and list, I am sorry to have offended you! To me Ron B. posting
a theory about the origin of the moon based on science, is no different than
me posting my theory based on religion. Science is a religion also, for
those who want to disprove the existence of a God. There is no more proof
of the asteroid theory than of the religious theory. I think every person
including List members have the right to hear of an alternate theory of the
origin of our universe. Believe it or not, I am not a religious nut, I was
raised a Christian and happen to believe it. When in school, I was taught
Evolution and it just never made since to me. I would ask the teacher, if
that happened, how come this happened. He could never answer any of my
questions. These were not religious questions, just common since questions.
It did not take long for me to think science was full of holes with no
  Again I am sorry to have offended you. : )

Thanks, Tom
The proudest member of the IMCA 6168
----- Original Message -----
From: <geoking_at_notkin.net>
To: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 9:47 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Re: Where Did The Moon Come From?

> Knudson posted:
> > And he set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the
> > earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide
> > light from the darkness: and he saw that it was good.
> Tom:
> Thanks very much for posting half of Genesis to the List for us poor
> ignorant sinners.
> I can tolerate just about anything in this forum, except religious
> dogma. The Meteorite List is clearly and specifically a science list
> and, as such, is intended for the discussion of scientific principles
> that relate to meteorites. Would you and Marcie please keep your
> religious beliefs to yourselves.
> There are plenty of "god-is-wonderful" discussion groups that you can
> join, if you want to blather on about this kind of thing in public.
> Those who are interested in discussing and learning about science
> (which I assume is at least 99.5% of the List) should not have to be
> subjected to your mumbo-jumbo.
> Geoff N.

Thanks, Tom
The proudest member of the IMCA 6168
Received on Thu 10 Jul 2003 12:48:37 PM PDT

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