[meteorite-list] Meteorites are cool because...

From: Space Rocks <spacerox_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:18:30 2004
Message-ID: <3E592894.DE274AAB_at_verizon.net>

Meteorites are cool because they contain the secrets of the solar system, and things not
found on Earth. Often their real value is not discovered until years later (like
ALH84001). They are therefore like getting buried treasure from outer space. Who knows
what might be found in space rocks we've had for years?

They represent both the best and worst of nature. The best being: providing the building
blocks of life itself. The worst being: the cause of previous mass extinctions.

They are produced by collisions in the asteroid belt with unearthly forces. They formed
long before the dawn of Man, from far beyond where we've ever been. They have traveled
farther, longer and faster and have been hotter and colder than anything ever seen before.

What else on Earth represents such extremes?

Rick Kujawa
Received on Sun 23 Feb 2003 03:01:25 PM PST

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