[meteorite-list] Meteorites Are...
From: starharvest_at_attbi.com <starharvest_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:18:29 2004 Message-ID: <20030223214849.BF1455360C_at_pairlist.net> Meteorites are Cool- 3rd Entry O.K. You've heard from me before, but here goes again. Here are the REAL reasons why meteorites are cool.......from my own personal perspective: Somehow the universe and everything in it is tied together by one common thread. Like an eternally lengthy necklace strung with a myriad of beads, we, the trees, the whales and the birds, the plankton and the amarilis, the primrose and the lynxs.....are all part of one whole, strung together on a force whose nature we seek to understand. This force is the essence of creation. We call it God, Nature, carma, the Great Spirit.(Among many names.) We have tried to define it throughout our history. We have organized religions. We have fought wars over it. We have marveled at the overwhelming futility of trying to define eternity, the beginning of creation and the intelligence behind it all. We are agnostics, nostics, Christian Scientists, Shintos, Budhists, Muslim, Jew, Mormon, Quaker...We are a quilt-work of hundreds or disciplines which all attempt to define our existence. We reach out to find something physical to touch and see, which is ancient, magical, and from the very heavens from which our creation originated. This is why meteorites are cool from my point of view. A meteorite IS physical! I can touch a meteorite! I can see a meteorite! A meteorite indeed seems magical and IS from the heavens....more ancient and magical than any concrete object I know of. A meteorite is a capsule of creational clues which, to an imaginative mind such as mine, comes straight from the hand of the creator bearing an invitation to us; saying, STUDY ME! PRESERVE ME! TREASURE ME! I bare the answers to the mystery you seek to solve.....THE MYSTERY OF CREATION! Rand Kluge. Received on Sun 23 Feb 2003 04:48:47 PM PST |
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