[meteorite-list] Tucson - More Photos
From: Michael L Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:18:26 2004 Message-ID: <BA6EB376.3CDA%mlblood_at_cox.net> Hi All, Just got back last night. I met my family at the RV Park in which my wife and I and our Shi-Tzus stayed. Unfortunately, Tucson is totally insane and refuses to suspend road work during the show, so, movement is impossible on the freeway system, but detours were soon mastered and THE SHOW WENT ON! Great seeing everyone, lots of events and tons of fun hanging out at different dealers' rooms. As usual, I failed to get to everyone's rooms, which is a bummer - but I did get to spend time with my dad and my sister, each of whom I hadn't seen in 2 years - as well as my brother and sis-i-law and my nephew, so, breakfast and evenings were a world apart - sandwiching terrific show experiences. It was a hoot to see my wife becoming more relaxed and actually enjoying meeting more people in the meteorite community and getting even more into buying presents for friends and child clients about the show. Also, I got her "a piece of the moon" to have made into a ring at the Labenne's this year, so, that really tickled her pink. Missed seeing Tim and Pat Heights this year... hope all is well with them. I REALLY got off on the incredible oriented Taza Bruno & Carine had in their room...... better even than my own Gao.... WHAT A PIECE! Bob Haag was said to have offered $5K for it and they turned him down! It really is one of the most visually impressive meteorites I have ever seen. About the size of a ping pong ball and shaped exactly like a bullit, with streaming flow lines! Wow, just mind boggling. As always, there were LOTS of goodies and a ton of fine folks to laugh and joke with and just hang out and enjoy. John Gwilliam and Bob Holmes were everywhere making their video, which looks like it will be a MUST HAVE item. They seemed to be in good spirits and really going out of their way to get professional quality lighting, etc, to make it a first rate production. They say they are going to pass it on at a VERY affordable price, so, I, personally, can't wait to see it. Steve Arnold of Chicago took a LOT of ribbing - both at the Birthday Bash and at my auction - and took it very well, in deed, making him officially "hazed" into the meteorite fraternity, now. I really regret I didn't get to everyone's rooms, but such is life. I will write much more in my coming article, and while I saved the Harvey Awards photos for that article (for METEORITE TIMES - or whatever it is being called now - look for that March 1), I have posted some other fun photos at: http://community.webshots.com/album/63396208zpZVuB in case y'all would enjoy seeing them. These are all taken at the Birthday Bash, as I was SO busy, I just didn't take more.... sorry. GREAT show. Wish you had been there - those that were, great to see ya! Best wishes, Michael Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies. - Friedrich Nietzsche -- Worth Seeing: - Earth at night from satelite: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0011/earthlights_dmsp_big.jpg - Interactive Lady Liberty: http://doody36.home.attbi.com/liberty.htm - Earth - variety of choices: http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/vplanet.html -- Cool Calendar & Clock: http://www.yugop.com/ver3/stuff/03/fla.html -- Michael Blood Meteorites & Didgeridoos for sale at: http://www.michaelbloodmeteorites.com/Received on Tue 11 Feb 2003 05:04:38 PM PST |
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