[meteorite-list] NPA 11-1961 Evidence of Life in Meteorite
From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:18:03 2004 Message-ID: <BAY4-DAV97N8qg1YnoQ000040d5_at_hotmail.com> ------=_NextPart_001_000D_01C3C98A.C2957370 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Title: Great Bend Daily Tribune City: Great Bend, Kansas Date: Sunday, November 19, 1961 Page: 11 Find Evidence of Life On Meteorites LONDON (AP) - Two New York scientists said here they have found evdience = of traces of living things in meteorites reaching the earth from outer sp= ace. Dr. George Claus of New York University and Prof. Bartholomew Nagy of For= dham University reported they found in certain meteorites organized eleme= nts resembling in structure the fossilized remains of microscopic forms o= f life. Of five types of "organized structure" which they describe, four are said= to be, similar to known earth species, but not identical. They resemble small single-celled animals - dino-flagellates or chrysomon= ads - which live only in sea or lake water. The fifth is unlike any known= terrestrial organism. This evidence will do much to strengthen the implication of other discove= ries in the last two years, which have shown how meteorites of various ki= nds are contaiminated with traces of complex chemical substances whose pr= esence is most easily accounted for by contact with living things. The two scientists examined samples from two meteorites. These were the O= rgueil meteorite, which fell in southern France in 1864, and the Ivuna me= teorite, which fell in an arid region of central Africa in 1938. The authors of the research have gone to some trouble to exclude the poss= iblity that the objects which they have seen could have contaminted the m= eteorites after their arrival on the earth. In each instance the meteorit= es remained out of doors for onyl a few hours after falling. They said it is most likely that the structures are the fossilized remain= s of living micro-organisms "indigenous to the meteorites." No single piece of evidence of this kind can be considered conclusive pro= of of the existence of life outside the earth. But now the prospect of in= teresting discoveries seems to ahve brightened, it is certain that analys= is of meteorites will accelerate. Please visit, www.MeteoriteArticles.com, a free on-line archive of meteor= and meteorite articles. ------=_NextPart_001_000D_01C3C98A.C2957370 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV><B><FONT size=3D= 2> <P>Title: Great Bend Daily Tribune</P> <P>City: Great Bend, Kansas</P>= <P>Date: Sunday, November 19, 1961</P> <P>Page: 11</P></B> <P> </P>= <P>Find Evidence of Life On Meteorites</P> <P></P> <P>LONDON (AP) - Two = New York scientists said here they have found evdience of traces of livin= g things in meteorites reaching the earth from outer space.</P> <P>Dr. Ge= orge Claus of New York University and Prof. Bartholomew Nagy of Fordham U= niversity reported they found in certain meteorites organized elements re= sembling in structure the fossilized remains of microscopic forms of life= </P> <P>Of five types of "organized structure" which they describe, four= are said to be, similar to known earth species, but not identical.</P> <= P>They resemble small single-celled animals - dino-flagellates or chrysom= onads - which live only in sea or lake water. The fifth is unlike any kno= wn terrestrial organism.</P> <P>This evidence will do much to strengthen = the implication of other discoveries in the last two years, which have sh= own how meteorites of various kinds are contaiminated with traces of comp= lex chemical substances whose presence is most easily accounted for by co= ntact with living things.</P> <P>The two scientists examined samples from= two meteorites. These were the Orgueil meteorite, which fell in southern= France in 1864, and the Ivuna meteorite, which fell in an arid region of= central Africa in 1938.</P> <P>The authors of the research have gone to = some trouble to exclude the possiblity that the objects which they have s= een could have contaminted the meteorites after their arrival on the eart= h. In each instance the meteorites remained out of doors for onyl a few h= ours after falling.</P> <P>They said it is most likely that the structure= s are the fossilized remains of living micro-organisms "indigenous to the= meteorites."</P> <P>No single piece of evidence of this kind can be cons= idered conclusive proof of the existence of life outside the earth. But n= ow the prospect of interesting discoveries seems to ahve brightened, it i= s certain that analysis of meteorites will accelerate.</P></FONT><BR><BR>= Please visit, www.MeteoriteArticles.com, a free on-line archive of meteor= and meteorite articles.</DIV></BODY></HTML> ------=_NextPart_001_000D_01C3C98A.C2957370-- Received on Tue 23 Dec 2003 08:27:10 PM PST |
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