[meteorite-list] Aswan Rock - Opinions?

From: mark ford <markf_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:17:45 2004
Message-ID: <6CE3EEEFE92F4B4085B0E086B2941B311A32C2_at_s-southern01.s-southern.com>


Looks like a sedimentary pressure metamorphosized aggregated =
conglomerate to me... :).=20

But I have seen similar looking rocks in the Alps (Austria) only over =
there they tend to be found near river beds, something to do with the =
Ice age.

Could also be a type of granite or Marble there is a lot about in that =
area of the world (the pyramids are made of a similar stone)


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Kuyken [mailto:jeff_at_meteoritesaustralia.com]=20
Sent: 12 December 2003 10:39
To: Meteorite List
Subject: [meteorite-list] Aswan Rock - Opinions?

Hey all,
When I was in Egypt in October, I jumped onto a young half-trained =
CCRRAAZZYY camel and headed out into the desert. Among a few rocks =
(mostly fossils) I found an interesting stone which was nothing like the =
others in the area. I don't think it is a meteorite but it does look =
like some kind of breccia. It is a broken quarter sphere in shape and =
the photos are of the two broken surfaces. I'd appreciate any opinions =
on this one. The links are:
http://www.meteoritesaustralia.com/images/Aswan 1.jpg
http://www.meteoritesaustralia.com/images/Aswan 2.jpg
Jeff Kuyken
I.M.C.A. #3085

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Received on Fri 12 Dec 2003 05:54:04 AM PST

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