[meteorite-list] Accusation.. W as Odd Rock - Is it...??

From: E. L. Jones <jonee_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:17:39 2004
Message-ID: <3FD1C8CD.4070201_at_epix.net>

For Pete's sake it is a friggin "visit" cookie that Lycos or Geocities
or Yahoo all attempt to place when going to any of their sites. Doug
said he knew it wasn't a meteortite but asked what it was. Sorry Charly
that we disturbed your winter hybernation.


Charles Viau wrote:

>That site with the bogus meteorite has more bogus baggage. If you were
>not running spybot or another active anti-spy filter on your computer
>and you accessed that geocities site, you now have a sinister piece of
>spyware on your system that not only eats up some of your cpu time, but
>reports what web sites you access back to them. You will need spybot or
>similar to remove it.
Received on Sat 06 Dec 2003 07:17:17 AM PST

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