[meteorite-list] New Find

From: Steve Schoner <steve_schoner_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:14:09 2004
Message-ID: <20030430171128.49163.qmail_at_web12706.mail.yahoo.com>




Steve Schoner

--- Mark Jackson <b0rtz2003_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
> OK folks. This is going to be very, very difficult
> for you to believe; I am pinching myself every few
> minutes to make sure I'm awake. I assure you this is
> no joke. Later today I will have photos back I can
> post for you all of the place I am working. I have
> discovered a complex impact zone in the Southwestern
> US with multiple crater sites. Big ones. Two I have
> seen with my own eyes are in excess of 1/2 mile
> wide! I have evidence that these may be the head of
> an impact zone that stretches nearly 80 miles! I see
> possible evidence of up to seven impactors hitting
> in a 4 mile radius of where I have been working. OK
> here's the deal. I have a lot of material being
> analyzed, classified and catalogued. I am not going
> to release ANY meteoritic material until I have all
> that work done. However, there are some nice pieces
> of impact evidence that prove beyond any doubt that
> this is a meteorite impact zone. For instance, there
> are some gorgeous lechatelierites at the head of the
> zone. I better qualify my statement here; I say
> "head" of the zone because of the ultra high angle
> of attack these impactors came in on. I am no expert
> in these matters but my best guess is they might
> have been in an AoA as little as ten degrees. Anyway
> these lechatelierites are at the "area of first
> influence of the main impactor". Evidence points to
> the main impactor being a carbonaceous chondrite and
> thus some lechatelierites are pelted with
> microspherules of impactor material. One has a
> gorgeous moldavite buried in it's face! These
> lechatelierites are from 4 to 7 inches thick and
> weigh 1 to 2 kilos. If anyone wants some of the
> lechatelierite material from this pristine new find,
> let me know. I will work on pictures of these things
> so you can see them. If anyone wants a particular
> impact related feature from this site, let me know.
> Once again let me reiterate about the impactor
> material - there are several samples being looked at
> for verification and classification. Until that
> process can complete I will not release meteoritic
> material. Have patience . . . there's plenty worth
> waiting for I promise. Have a great day list-buds!
> ---------------------------------
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Received on Wed 30 Apr 2003 01:11:28 PM PDT

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