[meteorite-list] Fw: Interesting item on eBay web site item#2171794657: answer
From: Pekka Savolainen <pekka.savolainen_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:13:09 2004 Message-ID: <3EA85526.1050409_at_dlc.fi> I have some pieces of PF on my desk, and also to me this one looks more like a terrastial sedimentary one. There could be the fusion-crust, but if you look the brownish material on it, itīs hard to belive, it could be weathered as much. Also the toast-like structure is typical for sediment origin material. There are several quite sharp edges in the stone, these may be possible also in the meteorite fragment, if it has been broken when landed, anyway, this piece have them in all sides. Also this kind "geometrical" shapes are not common in meteorites. There are also smaller pieces of material inside the stone, and itīs quite hard to belive, these would have been cleared the flight and the landing. Also terrestial sedimentary ones can contain magnetite, and if you are using a rare earth magnet, very small amounts of this mineral makes the stone to attract to the magnet. Iīm not a judge, and itīs hard to say anything sure, if you donīt have the item for the closer look, anyway, this item is to me at least questonable and need to be chekced by some familiar with meteorites before it can be sold as a meteorite or as a sedimentary rock...;- pekka Steve Schoner wrote: >"Looks very similar" does not qualify that it is Park >Forrest. > >I concur with previous statements, looks like >sedimentary rock. > >Not like Park Forrest. > >You might want to take it to the Chicago Field Museum. >I am certain that there are plenty of fragments that >you or they can compare with. > > >Steve Schoner. AMS > >--- M come Meteorite Meteorites ><mcomemeteorite2000_at_yahoo.it> wrote: > >>Hello all >> >>answer from the dealer: >> >> >>it was found in a parking lot behind several stores >>within 1/4 mile distance >>from the one than crashed through the house. I t has >>been weathered for >>10-days which accounts for the rust. If you are an >>expert then can you >>e-mail me some pictures. This is highly attracted to >>a >>magnet. I would >>gladly refund anyone who purchased this item if it >>proved to not be part of >>the park forest meteorite. I'm not an expert but it >>looks very similar to >>other fragments that people have been selling. >> >>mr.Joe Vergoin >> >>regards >> >>matteo >> >>--- Steve Schoner <steve_schoner_at_yahoo.com> wrote: >> >>> "meteorWRONG!" >>> >>>(sound the gong) >>> >>>Proof positive that some cannot recognize a true >>>meteorite, freshly fallen even if it falls in >>> >>their >> >>>laps. >>> >>>Expect a lot of these showing up in the years >>>following the event. >>> >>>Steve Schoner >>>http://www.geocities.com/american_meteorite_survey >>>http://www.geocities.com/meteorite_identification >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>--- Tom aka James Knudson >>><knudson911_at_frontiernet.net> >>>wrote: >>> >>>>Is this real? >>>>Thanks, Tom >>>>The proudest member of the IMCA 6168 >>>>----- Original Message ----- >>>>From: <knudson911_at_frontiernet.net> >>>>To: <knudson911_at_frontiernet.net> >>>>Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 8:12 AM >>>>Subject: Interesting item on eBay web site >>>>item#2171794657: Park Forest >>>>Meteorite Fragment w/Crust 2.8g >>>> >>>> >>>>>Does this look like PF? >>>>> >>>>>Title of item: Park Forest Meteorite Fragment >>>>> >>>>w/Crust 2.8g >>>> >>>>>Seller: vergoin >>>>>Starts: Apr-23-03 20:00:54 PDT >>>>>Ends: Apr-28-03 20:00:54 PDT >>>>>Price: Starts at $0.01 >>>>>To bid on the item, go to: >>>>> >http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2171794657 > >>>>> >>>>>Item Description: >>>>>This meteorite fell on March 26th, 2003 at >>>>> >>11:50 >> >>>>p.m. in a suburb of >>>>Chicago called Park Forest. Preliminary lab >>>> >>>results >>> >>>>are showing this to be >>>>an L5 with two lithologies. One lithology >>>> >>>consisting >>> >>>>of a so-called "black >>>>Chondrite" (heavily shocked) and the other >>>>lithologie containing shock >>>>veins. What makes this meteorite so interesting >>>> >>is >> >>>>not its classification >>>>but rather its history. It is not very often >>>> >>that >> >>>a >>> >>>>meteoroid breaks up into >>>>thousands of meteorites over a well-populated >>>> >>area >> >>>>causing substantial >>>>damage. Payment Options: I accept Paypal, Money >>>>Orders, and Cashier Checks. >>>>No COD. FREE SHIPPING by USPS in the lower 48 >>>> >>only >> >>>>and $5 shipping for >>>>Canada. Contact me within 72 hours after the end >>>> >>>of >>> >>>>the auction or anytime >>>>if you have questions. Payment within 10 days or >>>> >>I >> >>>>will relist. Good luck >>>>and thanks for bidding. >>>> >>>>>Visit eBay, The World's Online Marketplace TM >>>>> >>at >> >>>>http://www.ebay.com >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>______________________________________________ >>>>Meteorite-list mailing list >>>>Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >>>> >http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > >>> >>>__________________________________________________ >>>Do you Yahoo!? >>>The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo >>>http://search.yahoo.com >>> >>>______________________________________________ >>>Meteorite-list mailing list >>>Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >>> >http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > >> >>===== >>M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato >>Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA, >>ITALY >>Email: mcomemeteorite2000_at_yahoo.it >>Sale Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.com Collection >>Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.info >>International Meteorite Collectors Association #2140 >>MSN Messanger: spacerocks_at_hotmail.com >> >EBAY.COM:http://members.ebay.com/aboutme/mcomemeteorite_at_excite.it/ > >>__________________________________________________ >>Do you Yahoo!? >>The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo >>http://search.yahoo.com >> >>______________________________________________ >>Meteorite-list mailing list >>Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >> >http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > >__________________________________________________ >Do you Yahoo!? >The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo >http://search.yahoo.com > >______________________________________________ >Meteorite-list mailing list >Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > -- Pekka Savolainen Jokiharjuntie 4 FIN-71330 Rasala FINLAND + 358 400 818 912 Group Home Page: http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/eurocoin Group Email Address: eurocoin_at_smartgroups.comReceived on Thu 24 Apr 2003 05:20:38 PM PDT |
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