[meteorite-list] Re: Park Forest DVD (Rob Wesel)

From: Mark Langenfeld <mlangen_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:13:09 2004
Message-ID: <200304241445.h3OEjjng062985_at_mail0.mx.voyager.net>


My understanding is that Mike either bought or otherwise arranged for
rights to all the clips used in the original tape (one of the reasons it
was priced at $50). There MAY be restrictions on the transfer of those
rights to a third person, but that's quite a different question.

Mike & Rob, have I got this straight??


> Rob,
> Regarding the sale of this DVD, I feel the need to STRONGLY advise against
> it. You are setting yourself up for MAJOR problems.
> All those broadcast news shows are copyrighted. Each piece of video is
> by a different organization. Every one of them will come after you if they
> find out about this.
Received on Thu 24 Apr 2003 10:45:44 AM PDT

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