[meteorite-list] RE: COMPLETELY OFF TOPIC

From: StarHarvest_at_aol.com <StarHarvest_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:10:07 2004
Message-ID: <61A727FA.56560B5C.40B23FE7_at_aol.com>

Hi list. I'm probably the only member of this list who is both an active duty member of the U.S. Army, and a fellow meteoritic enthusiast. I have something that I must say:

I was born into this world, a human being. Before I was an American. Before I was a Christian. Before I was a husband, a father, or a soldier.....I was a human being. Being such, I feel compelled to honor and respect all other human beings, regardless of their beliefs, affiliations, or opinions, for they are only tempory adornments we all pick up along the way. Ultimately, however, we are ALL of the same famly; all brothers and sisters. All human beings.

It sorrows me that there is such discord among the assemblage of mankind here upon this earth. I can only hope that the future reserves an era when we will have all realized that our primary concern is for the welfare of one another without greed for power, material or unrightious dominion.

Offline comments are welcome. Rand Kluge
Received on Sat 12 Apr 2003 01:52:56 PM PDT

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