[meteorite-list] Stopping chondrite rusting question

From: lakewind_at_duluth.infi.net <lakewind_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:08:31 2004
Message-ID: <174210-220029325181447135_at_M2W069.mail2web.com>

Hello all,
Like many of you I gleaned some very useful information on treating irons
and pallasites from last week's thread on rust prevention=2E Last night I =
looking at some of the meteorites in my collection and noticed that a
couple Ghubara and SaU 001 slices had started to ooze=2E It had been an
espcecially humid summer this year and even with dessicants I had problems=
Is the same mixture of chemicals OK to use on chondrites like these to
control rust or will there be problems like lifting chondrules,
discoloration and the like? Or is there another method you've found that's=

Thanks for your help,

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