[meteorite-list] Help A Brother Out - Update 9/20

From: Rob Wesel <Nakhladog_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:08:29 2004
Message-ID: <00ad01c260ee$a00b1900$4e9fe70c_at_GOLIATH>

Hello all-
We are winding down and I think there will be five days of sales left, some
days will have less than 10 pieces offered. I will post sales:
Monday - noon - I will have the folder filled today before I leave town.
Tuesday - 8pm
Wednesday - noon

Thursday will be a listing of the items that will be offered on Saturday and
Sunday and I will include price.
Feel free to ask any questions Thursday and Friday
Saturday and Sunday post at noon
Here is a World Time converter, you can use "Los Angeles" as a reference for

Monday we settle up on any unpaid items and get ready to ship for those of
you that have big boxes of meteorites sitting in my office here.

A few leftovers today, repeats from the last few days that did not sell and
will hit eBay Monday:

Wuan H6 Chinese fall 7.53 gram thin partslice $32

Bandong LL6 Indonesian fall 2.9 gram thin partslice $49

Admire PAL Kansas 3 grams of fragments, olivine present $11

Juvinas AEUC French fall 6.01 gram partslice $ 225

Jilin H5 Chinese fall 19.22 gram partslice $63

The Smithsonian Series, Minerals From the Earth and Sky. 1944 The book is
NEW. Let me explain. Each year Brandeis University has a book sale,
(according to Guiness---it's the worlds largest) in the Chicagoland area. On
a table, I found three box sets of the Smithsonian Series. They were selling
them as singles, not the entire set. So, I picked up all of the #3's.This
onewas still in the cardboard case, and appears that the case had never been
opened, or the book thumbed through. $35

Photo pages:

....and the eBay sales page

Rob Wesel
We are the music makers...and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
Willy Wonka, 1971
Received on Fri 20 Sep 2002 05:42:31 PM PDT

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