[meteorite-list] Close enough to a sellout -Help A Brother Out- Micro Madness Bonus Sale
From: Rob Wesel <Nakhladog_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:08:23 2004 Message-ID: <005e01c2587d$823bab20$4e9fe70c_at_GOLIATH> We came real close, closer than I think we ever will to a full sellout of the daily listed material.Thanks. Many of you have seen the micros photo apart from the daily folders on my photo page. It's going to save a lot of time for me, and money for one of you out there if this goes as one lot. 25 micros, all with names you've never heard of. So, this offer is for the WHOLE COLLECTION. If there is no taker then I will go back and offer them piece by piece at a later time or try eBay. PLEASE NO REPLIES ON SINGLE PIECES AT THIS TIME. Also, NO RESONALBLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED on itens that don't sell on eBay so watch those auctions and make an offer. After speaking with the seller about what to do he told me that "I'd rather see a list member get them for a good price than dropping the initial price on eBay" Yilmia is up for grabs till tomorrow 11pm Pacific., not too late to sell it out Tomorrows post will be around 8:30 Pacific, photos are up. The Micro Set: Here we go, (*) indicates this is a fall (*)Kernouve 0.71g H6 France $32 Zaklodzie 1.0g E? Poland $160 (*) Nanjemoy 0.9g H5 Maryland $25 (*)Vouille 1.5g L6 France $24 (*) Vouille 0.68g L6 France $11 Del Rio 0.8g IF Texas $44 Mareson di Zoldo 0.8g H4 Italy $64 (*) Petersburg 0.4g AHOW Tennessee $128 (*)Bath 1.3g H4 S. Dakota $24 Clark Co. 1.0g IIIF Kentucky $20 Sahara 97193 0.38g L3.9 $16 (*) Colby 1.28g L6 Wisconsin $20 Laundry West 1.5g L4 Australia $16 Delaware 1.42g L4 Arkansas $8 (*) Charlotte 1.6g IVA Tennessee $32 (*)Pacula 0.7g L6 Mexico $16 Moctezuma 1.0g IA Mexico $15 Reid012 1.4g L6 Australia $15 (*) Aumale 0.89g L6 Algeria $13 (*) Kabo 1.6g H4 Nigeria $10 McKinney 1.3g L4 Texas $24 Steinbach 0.14g IVA Germany $60 (*) New Concord 2.0g L6 Ohio $16 Begga 0.56g LL3 Morocco $24 Kelly 0.7g LL4 Colorado $28 Total = $845 minus 10% for the whole lot = $760.50 You may throw out either Zaklodzie or Petersburg and still get the deal for either $600.50 or $632.50 and the link http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/27e2423e/bc/HELP+A+BROTHER+OUT/09070003.jpg?B ChfPp9AK0AvCVPP eBay sales http://members.ebay.com/aboutme/nakhladog/ -- Rob Wesel ------------------ We are the music makers...and we are the dreamers of the dreams. Willy Wonka, 1971Received on Mon 09 Sep 2002 11:52:39 PM PDT |
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