[meteorite-list] 1860 Newspaper, The Great Meteor of Friday Night
From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:08:22 2004 Message-ID: <F44dyDd3OJXsNQptgFr00004c46_at_hotmail.com> Paper: New York Times City: New York City, NY. Date: Monday, July 23, 1860 Page: 5 THE GREAT METEOR OF FRIDAY NIGHT The meteor of Friday night which astonished all our citizens who happened to be unhoused at the time was seen, it would appear, far over the country, and was, in its way, a most astonishing phenomenon. We have had the Japanese (?) and the Zouaves. The Great Eastern still abides with us, and the Prince of Wales in coming. The foreign and domestic excilements, however, were, are, and are to be, of this earth, earthy, or of the sea, nautically. A celestial, or at least a supraterranean visitant was needed, and the meteor came. The rule of parallax, evidently not understood by our ordinary street sight-seers, proves, according to the reports from various distances, North, South, and West, (we have heard nothing yet from ships, East, at sea,) that the globe of fire with the glowing trail of light must have been from thirty to forty miles above the surface of our planet. That it could not have been much more elevated, the explosion which accompanied its disappearance would assure us, the atmosphere being rather less than fifty miles high, and the transmission of sound being of course limited to that region. It was seen in Philadelphia at about 9 1/2 o'clock, say the papers of that city-rose suddenly from the horizon, about the size of the full moon, traversed an easterly line, dropping fire in its course, like a rocket, till it passed away in the southeast, like a red ball, about twice the size of the planet Mars. It was seen, under similar circumstances, at Danville, Penn., at New-Haven, along the whole line of the Hudson River, at Buffalo, Utica, Albany and Troy, also at Newport, Rhode Island, and undoubtedly at other places from which we have no report - at each place, appearing to be at no great distance above the spires of the churches. Just so the moon, at her full, appears to shine directly over every street in every city, and over every ship at sea, in those portions of the earth which she illuminates. We append a few of the communications we have recieved respecting the extraordinary visitor. The provincial papers in this and adjoining States come to us filed with accounts of the marvel. It is amusing to read of some of the events to come which some of them predict therefrom. The old superstition of "portents dire," it would seem is not yet quite effete(?). To the Editor of the New-York Times: As it is desirable that all possible information respecting the magnificent meteor of Friday evening should be collected, I venture to send you an account of my observation of it. On Friday evening, a few minutes before 10 o'clock I was standing with a friend in Thirty-fourth-street near the southwest corner of Madison-avenue looking towards the West, when we observed a lumunous body rising rapidly from behind the houses on the southerly side of the street. From the peculiar color and hazy appearance of the light, I at first judged it to be a fire-balloon, made of green tissue paper, and quite near us. But my friend, whose eyes were sharper than my own, Immediately discovered that the hazy appearance was occasioned by some light clouds which intervened between us and the luminous body. The meteor soom emerged from these clouds, and came on rapidly eastward. When about a quarter of the way across the visible sky, it lost its greenish color, and broke up into four parts, which continued their journey all in the same line. The first two had the appearance of blazing torches whose flames are driven backward by the wind. The other two were not nearly so bright, but had a smoldering appearance, and gave off a coutinual series of sparks. As the meteor moved eastward, Its brightness diminished very perceptibly, although it was plainly visible till it passed behind the houses on the easterly side of Fourth-avenue. Its light was very distinct, but softened rather than intense. The color was, as I have said, at first greenish, but changed to the ordinary color of flame. I noticed no noise as the meteor passed across the heavens. We supposed It at first to be a fire balloon, but soon discovered our error, from the fact that it moved almost directly from west to east, (more accurately from W. by N. to E. by S.,) while the wind, at the earth's surface at least, was blowing gently from the eastward. Still, it seemed so near, and its flaming appearance was so distinct, that we were disposed to regard it rather as some curious firework than as a meteor. It crossed the sky to the northward of us, and I should estimate its greatest elevation about the northern horizon at about 40 (degrees). From my point of view, at least 110 (degrees) of its path were visible, and it passed over this space in about 15 seconds, moving with a very uniform velocity. The length of the lines of fire as It swept across the sky was some 5 (degrees) or 6 (degrees), and it left no very distinct trail, as the sparks which flew from it seemed to go out almost instantly. Respectfully yours, AMATEUR NEWPORT, R.I., Saturday, July 21. Correspondence of the New York Times A brilliant meteor passed over this city last evening about 10 o'clock. It seems to rise from behind Beaver Tail light, on Conanicut, in west-southwest, and passed rapidly in a north-easterly direction. I was standing on a porch, looking in a southerly direction, when the phenomenon made its appearance, and had an excellent veiw of it, much to my amazement and gratification, as it went by at an angle of about 75 degrees or 80 degrees south, and at first appeared It seemed a perfect ball of fire giving forth a lurid light. It rose rapidly to a point about half way between the horizon and the zenith, and there indulged, still moving northeast, in a few meteoric gyrations, changing to the form of a chainshot, or dumb bell, and twisting so as to resemble the little balls of fire which sometimes follow the explosion of a rocket. The body here divided, and two portions, blazing, and leaving a long train of sparks behind, passed off into utter darkness, leaving no trace behind, and making no note of departure. The exhibition lasted probably a minute and a half or two minutes. The day had been excessively hot, and after nightfall there were extensive and frequent electric appearances all along the western hoizon. The meteor showed that shade peculiar to the Bengoia (?) light, and clothed all objects in a ghastly hue. These facts may be useful to scientific men in their investigations in regard to the mysterious visitant. TELEGRAPIC REPORTS ALBANY, Saturday, July 21. The fiery meteor was seen here on Friday night, about 9 1/2 to 10 o'clock, with much distinctness. The spectacle was most brilliant. At first it appeared like a globe of fire about the size of a man's head. It then separated into two distinct globular bodies, leaving a trail of light behind and traveling at a rapid rate through the heavens. Its course was direct from west to east. DANVILLE, Saturday, July 21/ The meteor passed last evening at 10 o'clock, giving as much light as a full moon. It appeared on the horizon west of northwest, and passed due east. It was about six seconds in passing. When directly in the northeast it broke, forming two parts, one following the other. Some minutes after it disappeared. A sound resembling thunder was distinctly heard. No clouds in sight. THE METEOR SEEN AT BOSTON AND OTHER PLACES The Boston Transcript says: "A double meteor, of rare brilliancy, was seen in many places in this vicinity last night, about 10 o'clock - two distinct balls of fire, passing from the southwest toward the northeast, keeping within the same distance of each other during the whole time they were visible. They passed across the heavens with less descent than is usual with such luminous bodies. The light was so great that we hear of persons who rose from bed, thinking there was a fire near by. Hundreds witnessed this novel spectacle in Boston, and we hear accounts of the meteors from Cambridge, Newton, Nahant, and other towns." The Providence Journal gives the following account of this meteor: "A most remarkable meteor was seen last evening, about two or three minutes before 10 o'clock. Its direction was from the west to the southeast. It appeared to be a double, and to pass in a direction nearly parallel with the horizon, and elevated about 35 or 40 degrees above it. An observer was in Hope-street at the time, saw it explode when nearly south of him, and he describes it as emitting for a moment a brilliant greenish light, strong enough to cast shadows in the street." The Albany Journal, of Saturday, says: This curious atmospherical phenomenon was observed in this city. It differed from ordinary meteors in being double as well as in its superior brilliancy, its slower motion, and its apparent nearness. Here, as in New York, it seemed to pass just above the roofs of the houses, and to fall within the bounds of the city. Many imagined it to be some novel rocket or fire balloon used in the reception of Judge Douglas, which was just then about coming off. Some fancied they perceived an odor like that of burning tar, and one gentleman we heard severely commenting on the conduct of those who endangered the property of citizens by setting such combustibles afloat over their roofs. The fact that it was observed simultaneously at such distant points proves that it must have been at a great height and a vast magnitude, and flying with far greater velocity than it seemed to. The description given by those who saw it in New York corresponds almost exactly with its appearance here. Of course, all the confident utterances as to how large it was, how high it was, and where it fell, are erroneous - their only value being to indicate its appearance at different points. Untill after comparing notes, one observer was confident that it was directly over Bethishem; another, that it was directly over the Capitol; another, that it was directly over St. Joseph's Church; one, that it fell in the river; another, that it fell in the City Hall-square; another that it fell in Greenbush. Untill the New York papers were received, almost every one was confident that it was less than a hundred feet up in the air. What its actual height and size were can be approximated where we learn how far apart the most distant points are at which it was visible. Nearly all our exchange papers up to date, from all parts of the country, contain accounts of the meteor, which was seen over a distance of nearly 1,800 miles. _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. http://www.hotmail.com Received on Fri 06 Sep 2002 03:35:03 PM PDT |
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