[meteorite-list] Recovery of meteorites from National Parks?
From: Keith <littlejo_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:07:03 2004 Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.4.33.0210211332510.21229-100000_at_katie.vnet.net> OnMon, 21 Oct 2002 06:45:26 -0700 Tom Mahood tmahood_at_cox.net wrote: >Greetings all: ...text deleted.... >But now that I've been educated and illuminated, >I have an honest-to-God question. I am a >somewhat new collector, and as much as I enjoy >"discovering" meteorites in my mailbox, I realize >it's much more sporting to hunt the buggers down >in the wild. My range of access is the SW US, a >veritable sea of wild and crazy BLM land. However >within that area are also a number of sizeable >chunks of desert land designated as National Parks. > >Anyone have any thoughts on the ramifications of >"recovering" meteorites from National Park >property? Collecting anything, whether it be either fossils, plants, rocks, minerals, or meteorites from National Parks or Monuments is illegal. Also, there are rules and limitations about collecting on other public lands. For example, on BLM land, the collecting of rocks and minerals is legal for noncommercial purposes without a permit, but can be illegal within parts of BLM land that are designated as Natural Resource Areas and other areas closed or restricted areas set aside for various research and preservation purposes. For state and other federal lands, a person needs needs to contact whatever agency is managing the land. some information can be found at: Rockhounding on BLM Lands http://www.or.blm.gov/lo/rockhoun.htm http://www.blm.gov/nhp/efoia/or/fy2000/IMs/m2000-023ch1.htm http://www.co.blm.gov/gjra/rockhounding.htm ROCK COLLECTING GUIDE http://www.or.blm.gov/Resources/Minerals/collecting/collectingguide.pdf Given the price of meteorites, collecting them from National Parks can also easily add up to felony theft in addition to other charges if caught. Yours Keith Littleton New Orleans, LA Received on Mon 21 Oct 2002 01:40:55 PM PDT |
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