[meteorite-list] Newspaper Article, June 13, 1887 German Meteorite Fall?
From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:06:55 2004 Message-ID: <OE63SFog9ul5p3gTqIG00016293_at_hotmail.com> ------=_NextPart_001_0000_01C26B8A.1A6B6560 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable AN IMMENSE METEOR. The Evansville Daily Carrier Evansville, Indiana, =20 Monday Morning, June 13, 1887 Page: 4 It Strikes the Earth in German Township. Causing Consternation. Among the People and Creating a Panic Among Animals and Fowls Considerable excitement was created among the people in German township S= aturday night by an immense meteor striking the Earth with great force. T= he heavens were lighted brillantly as the immense body approached the gro= und and the sound is said to have resembled the noise caused by a train o= f cars in full motion. As it passed through the air it left a trail of fi= re, which seemed to be formed of small particles of star shaped matter, w= hich were emited from the large body, and as these busted a smell of sulp= her was plainly distinguishable. When the mass struck the earth it cause it to tremble so violently that m= any thought a volcano had burst forth from the small bill on which the me= teor struck. =20 Some idea of the effect of this wonderful meteoric display can be had, as= the people were struck with terror, and this must have been the case for= the cattle and swine, as they set up the most unnatural bellowing and sq= uealing, running pell mell through and over the fences of the enclosures = where they were kept and scattered over the surrounding farms. In two or = three places near the scene of the disturbance, large numbers of chickens= were struck with roosting in trees surrounding the farm houses, and thes= e set up a cackling , which lasted for a moment, when one by one they too= k wings and flew to the woods, their alarm being so great that few of the= m could be captured yesterday, and most of them, it is thought, will have= to be hunted with dog and gun. Many of the people felt the peculiar sensations experienced by taking hol= d of an electric battery and those nearest to the place where it struck w= ere unable to stand, but the disturbance was only a short duraction and n= o bad result was occasioned. >From a gentleman who visited the locality it is learned that the mass imb= edded itself deeply in the earth, and from the size of the surface expose= d, which is oval shaped, he think it would weigh at least four thousand p= ounds, and looks to be a solid piece of flint, which upon trial, resisted= that action of a stone-cutter's chisel. =20 (Mark note: A search in Meteorites A to Z does not show any meteorite fal= ling at this time.) ------=_NextPart_001_0000_01C26B8A.1A6B6560 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV><BR><BR><FONT = size=3D2> <P>AN IMMENSE METEOR.</P> <P>The Evansville Daily Carrier</P> <= P>Evansville, Indiana, </P> <P>Monday Morning, June 13, 1887</P> <P>Page:= 4</P> <P> </P> <P>It Strikes the Earth in German Township. Causing = Consternation.</P> <P>Among the People and Creating a Panic Among Animals= and Fowls</P> <P>Considerable excitement was created among the people in= German township Saturday night by an immense meteor striking the Earth w= ith great force. The heavens were lighted brillantly as the immense body = approached the ground and the sound is said to have resembled the noise c= aused by a train of cars in full motion. As it passed through the air it = left a trail of fire, which seemed to be formed of small particles of sta= r shaped matter, which were emited from the large body, and as these bust= ed a smell of sulpher was plainly distinguishable.</P> <P>When the mass s= truck the earth it cause it to tremble so violently that many thought a v= olcano had burst forth from the small bill on which the meteor struck. </= P> <P>Some idea of the effect of this wonderful meteoric display can be h= ad, as the people were struck with terror, and this must have been the ca= se for the cattle and swine, as they set up the most unnatural bellowing = and squealing, running pell mell through and over the fences of the enclo= sures where they were kept and scattered over the surrounding farms. In t= wo or three places near the scene of the disturbance, large numbers of ch= ickens were struck with roosting in trees surrounding the farm houses, an= d these set up a cackling , which lasted for a moment, when one by one th= ey took wings and flew to the woods, their alarm being so great that few = of them could be captured yesterday, and most of them, it is thought, wil= l have to be hunted with dog and gun.</P> <P>Many of the people felt the = peculiar sensations experienced by taking hold of an electric battery and= those nearest to the place where it struck were unable to stand, but the= disturbance was only a short duraction and no bad result was occasioned.= </P> <P>From a gentleman who visited the locality it is learned that the = mass imbedded itself deeply in the earth, and from the size of the surfac= e exposed, which is oval shaped, he think it would weigh at least four th= ousand pounds, and looks to be a solid piece of flint, which upon trial, = resisted that action of a stone-cutter's chisel. </P> <P> </P> <P>(M= ark note: A search in Meteorites A to Z does not show any meteorite falli= ng at this time.)</P></FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML> ------=_NextPart_001_0000_01C26B8A.1A6B6560-- Received on Fri 04 Oct 2002 10:40:41 AM PDT |
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