[meteorite-list] eBay auction, meteor story
From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:06:13 2004 Message-ID: <OE1353KQ0c8Fs8d1jKb0002333d_at_hotmail.com> ------=_NextPart_001_0004_01C282C6.19DC5200 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello All...again Was looking on eBay tonight and I found an auction I thought was interest= ing, Doesnt really have much to do with the US Currency 1899 $1 Silver t= hey are selling but thought you might like to read it. Nice Norman Rockw= ell like story. Mark http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3D1394459974 "My grandfather was an amateur astronomer. And from when I could stand up= , he loved to teach me constellations, tell me how the universe formed, a= nd even how to build a telescope. But, what I always remember him for was= his praise for the Leonid Meteor Showers. He always said that was the ti= me he fell in love with the sky and all its mysteries. He first saw them = in 1899. He was at a town fair, and was about to use his last dollar. But= , then the sky started lighting up. At first, he thought it was the closi= ng fireworks. But, then he looked up. And saw a sight 100x more spectacul= ar. As shooting star after shooting star lit up the sky. He spent the res= t of the night just watching them. He saw them again in 1966. And was jus= t as amazed. I was born 2 years later. Right before he passed, he told hi= s only regret in life was that he wouldn't be able to see the showers in = 2002. That's when he gave me the dollar from the Fair, and asked me to pr= omise that I wouldn't miss it. A few months ago, I drove out with my son = to field by our house. A blanket and some cocoa- our only companions. He = suddenly shouted, "Look Dad, fireworks!" I looked up. Smiled. And said, "= I bet the view is better from up there." A piece of history. This beautif= ul Black Eagle. The 1899 $1 Silver Certificate. In Very Good condition . = Heraldic Eagle and Capitol face. Portraits of Lincoln and Grant at bottom= center. Simple reverse. Large blue seal. Blue 1 overprint. Signed by Tee= hee-Burke. Both beauty and substance. Invest in this piece. Invest in you= r passion. Invest in your collection." ------=_NextPart_001_0004_01C282C6.19DC5200 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV>Hello All...ag= ain</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Was looking on eBay tonight and I f= ound an auction I thought was interesting, Doesnt really have much = to do with the <STRONG><FONT size=3D4>US Currency 1899 $1 Silver they are= selling but thought you might like to read it. Nice Norman Rockwel= l like story.</FONT></STRONG></DIV> <DIV><STRONG><FONT size=3D4></FONT></= STRONG> </DIV> <DIV><STRONG><FONT size=3D4>Mark</FONT></STRONG></DIV= > <DIV> </DIV> <DIV><A href=3D"http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?= ViewItem&item=3D1394459974">http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View= Item&item=3D1394459974</A><BR><BR>"My grandfather was an amateur astr= onomer. And from when I could stand up, he loved to teach me constellatio= ns, tell me how the universe formed, and even how to build a telescope. B= ut, what I always remember him for was his praise for the Leonid Meteor S= howers. He always said that was the time he fell in love with the sky and= all its mysteries. He first saw them in 1899. He was at a town fair, and= was about to use his last dollar. But, then the sky started lighting up.= At first, he thought it was the closing fireworks. But, then he looked u= p. And saw a sight 100x more spectacular. As shooting star after shooting= star lit up the sky. He spent the rest of the night just watching them. = He saw them again in 1966. And was just as amazed. I was born 2 years lat= er. Right before he passed, he told his only regret in life was that he w= ouldn't be able to see the showers in 2002. That's when he gave me the do= llar from the Fair, and asked me to promise that I wouldn't miss it. A fe= w months ago, I drove out with my son to field by our house. A blanket an= d some cocoa- our only companions. He suddenly shouted, "Look Dad, firewo= rks!" I looked up. Smiled. And said, "I bet the view is better from up th= ere." A piece of history. This beautiful Black Eagle. The 1899 $1 Silver = Certificate. In Very Good condition . Heraldic Eagle and Capitol face. Po= rtraits of Lincoln and Grant at bottom center. Simple reverse. Large blue= seal. Blue 1 overprint. Signed by Teehee-Burke. Both beauty and substanc= e. Invest in this piece. Invest in your passion. Invest in your collectio= n."</DIV></BODY></HTML> ------=_NextPart_001_0004_01C282C6.19DC5200-- Received on Sun 03 Nov 2002 12:18:06 AM PST |
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