[meteorite-list] LLoyd's auction

From: FERNLEA4_at_aol.com <FERNLEA4_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:04:48 2004
Message-ID: <9.27ef9d06.2a0e7295_at_aol.com>

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Hi folks.

LLoyd's in London ran a large auction today, featuring a hotch-potch of
antique furniture, paintings, weird arty stuff and also a couple of large
iron meteorites, all on behalf of "the British government". Did any other
Listees get involved in bidding in person or on the telephone? There was a
lot of publicity and advertising beforehand, so I'm just curious.
LLoyd's sent me a picture of each iron several weeks ago, showing a 7.5kg and
a 50.8kg individual that they'd had sampled and authenticated at the NHM,
London prior to auctioning. The pictures weren't great, with the smaller
7.5kg individual looking not much better than a dark metallic blob. However,
I rotated the image, lightened it and improved the focus with graphics
software and this is what appeared http://fernlea.tripod.com/16.jpg
It looks very familiar to me....how about you?

Fernlea Meteorites,
The Wynd,
Off Dickson Lane,
Milton of Balgonie,
Fife. KY7 6PY
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)1592-751563
Fax: +44-(0)1592-751991
Email: fernlea4_at_aol.com

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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">Hi folks.<BR>
LLoyd's in London ran a large auction today, featuring a hotch-potch of antique furniture, paintings, weird arty stuff and also a couple of large iron meteorites, all on behalf of "the British government". Did any other Listees get involved in bidding in person or on the telephone? There was a lot of publicity and advertising beforehand, so I'm just curious.<BR>
LLoyd's sent me a picture of each iron several weeks ago, showing a 7.5kg and a 50.8kg individual that they'd had sampled and authenticated at the NHM, London prior to auctioning. The pictures weren't great, with the smaller 7.5kg individual looking not much better than a dark metallic blob. However, I rotated the image, lightened it and improved the focus with graphics software and this is what appeared http://fernlea.tripod.com/16.jpg<BR>
It looks very familiar to me....how about you?<BR>
Fernlea Meteorites,<BR>
The Wynd,<BR>
Off Dickson Lane,<BR>
Milton of Balgonie,<BR>
Fife. KY7 6PY<BR>
United Kingdom<BR>
Tel: +44-(0)1592-751563<BR>
Fax: +44-(0)1592-751991<BR>
Email: fernlea4_at_aol.com</FONT></HTML>

Received on Sat 11 May 2002 09:11:49 AM PDT

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