[meteorite-list] Meteorite Contest Two - The Entries
From: Mark Bostick <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:04:47 2004 Message-ID: <OE129YyFfqDfcwR5chK00018275_at_hotmail.com> This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0005_01C1F5A1.95072DE0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello Everybody, I would like to think everybody for taking the time to enter this little = contest. NWA Meteorites, and those that collect and sell them, have long = gotten an unfair tarnish. I remember joining this list about a year ago = and mentioning that I collected NWA's. I recieved a box full of hate = mail and NWA "education" by those that disprove of them. It is nice to = see that atmosphere has slowly left the list. NWA have a place in our = hobby....and in my collection.=20 I hope everybody had fun with this. Below are the entries. Some were = send just to me so I have put them all together here. In fact I had much = better responce then I thought I would. I denfinately know how to get = the list to respond....offer something free. I would like to save these = ramblings and possibly use one or more in a future NWA article... If = this is a problem with any entries, please contact me and I won't = archive your entry.=20 Thanks, Mark Bostick "The Big Collector" New meteorites for scientific analysis and for our collections. Window = of opportunity for local residents to participate in meteorite hunting = and perhaps improve their lot. Availability worldwide.=20 Andre Bordeleau=20 NWA meteorites are cool because they are unique individuals which have, = and continue to go with the flow. With temporary resting places in NWA = which may have been long or short , these cool units of history continue = to illicit responses of delight and dislike. They mirror the vast finds = of meteorites in Antarctica the only difference is they are "cold" and = we cannot have them.=20 Cool NWA meteorites could be used to mark a grave ,adnored as jewellery = or treasured in the museums and collections of the world or trodden = under foot , with little effect on the treasure contained in, and the = history of each one . The impact is now on our lives for better or worse = till death do us part. My relationship with them is "cool".=20 My appetite for these cool NWA's has been initiated by accessibility , = driven by affordibilty ,sustained by variety and continues by virtue of = the possibility of the best is yet to come. My greatest fear is that the = abundance of them is depleted and I will not be satisfied with my quest = for the full spectrum of all available meteorites.=20 So in poem form:=20 IMPACT YOUR LIVING=20 CHOOSE THE WAY=20 NWA METEORITES ARE GIVEN=20 AND ARE HERE TO STAY=20 TAZA AND LUNAR=20 MARTIAN THERE TOO=20 CR2 AND BENSOUR=20 THE CHOICE IS FOR YOU=20 NWA METEORITES ARE COOL=20 EVERYONE AGREE=20 MISS OUT : AND A FOOL=20 LEAVES MORE FOR ME=20 Simon de Boer IMCA #9708 african meteorites are cool because, i will get one free!=20 David Calongne Hello All, Being my first week on "the list", I'll give you all my take = on why "African Meteorites are cool because....." great pieces of ....20 = LUNAs SNCs CRs HEDs LLs COs Rs and the occasional unclassified = individual (that could be one of above if I chose to cut it!) ...all = adorn my collection without breaking the bank. It has been a great time = to collect during the past couple years. The African meteorties have = been a blessing to the common working man/collector.=20 Enjoy them, John Divelbiss=20 Hello Mark And list, "African Meteorites are cool because....." They = have allowed me to have a nice collection that otherwise I wouldn't be = able to afford, and may have brought many new collectors into this = market like me. Also with a great variety of classifications one can get = quite a few different types . I like my NWA's, and with the amount of = different NWA's available it should keep me busy for awhile ! Glad to = hear you are feeling better Mark !!!=20 Best Regards. Steven Drummond " The Unknown=20 NWA meteorites are cool beacuse I get to go to Africa every month, = sometimes twice a month, and see a virtual buffet of rare and beautiful = meteorites direct from the finders. Mike Farmer=20 Dear Mark Bostick, African meteorites are cool because they were once rocks floating in space. Every single one of them were fireballs. It's neat where they fell, like the Sahara Desert. I will look at your ebay auctions soon! Sincerely, Catherine=20 Editor note: Catherine Fox (11 years old) brother is on the meteorite = list May 5, 2002 Greetings Meteorite Enthusiasts! Despite my persistent = searching for meteorites here in Michigan, I decided to finally try a = different approach and enter the contest! A few members on this list may = remember me mentioning my plan on buying (or at least seriously think of = buying) meteorites after I finally find one or get tired of searching = for one (which I haven't yet). Allow me just to say that there are some = differences in this case as I am not buying any space rocks and have = entered the contest partly on behalf of a friend. So without further ado = my entry is as follows... I think African meteorites are cool because, = well, because of this... They have an allure, an allure that cannot be = described accurately by words alone, one which has attracted the minds = and hearts of many adventurers, for meteorite hunters are indeed true = adventurers in every way. These heavenly bodies not only harken back the = days of old, the days of El Dorado, the 49'ers, Victoria, Klondike, and = others, but literally awaken the whole excitement of those illustrious = rushes. What's more, the trek to the windswept lands spoken by many = ardent meteorite hunters as being paved with celestial riches, is too, = an arduous journey, just like the other rushes. As for some of the = African space rocks that many deject due to their unclassified nature, I = must say that such a thing adds to their allure, at least when I read = about them. By being chemically unknown, just ponder the mysteriousness = of such meteorites and even the great mysteries that meteorite = collectors themselves could reveal with only a saw and a curious mind! = Here is also how I picture African meteorites as being "cool": ...It was = dusk and getting late. Our meteorite hunter from under his wide-brimmed = hat momentarily shielded his forehead as he surveyed the unfriendly, = desert terrain. He knew fully well he should be getting back to his jeep = and call it a day. But his long hours scouring the desert had yielded = him not a single meteoritic stone and his eyes kept him glued to the = hunt, always darting here and there, ever hopeful that a forgotten = treasure may lurk up out of the scattered limestone. Suddenly, a = thunderous noise broke the eerie silence, followed by a sharp squeal. = Our adventurer threw his head towards the north in the direction of the = mighty dunes which rose up like great walls of sand. He waited. Nothing. = After a short while, he attempted to climb the dunes which blocked his = view of the north for many miles. Finally, a bright twinkle from Venus = tapped him on the shoulders. It was time to go. He sighed to himself as = he paused crawling up the sand. Within minutes he found himself climbing = into his desert transportation, still quite hot to the touch. The = shadows grew longer as he rode off across the arid land. Within a short = space of time, he arrived back at his makeshift camp, greeted by his = fellow meteorite hunters that joined him on the meteoritic expedition. = Their expressions all looked somehow strange, as if they were trying to = conceal some sort of excitement. At last one of the friends causally = spoke up, "Hi Rudy. Find anything?" Our unsuccessful adventurer shook = his head. His friend smiled "Well then, did you see the bolide?" Rudy's = eyes suddenly blew up like balloons. "No Frank! A Fireball? I-I thought = I heard something, but didn't think it was... Are you sure?" "As sure as = dripping tektites! Why, everybody here saw it! It was unbelievable! It = was blue with a touch of red, and blew into hundreds of pieces just to = the north of here. We heard screaming and everything." Quickly an = expression of disbelief swept over Frank. " Where were you Rudy? = Practicing your survival skills by eating the grass again? We haven't = finished all of the hot fudge yet you know!" Our adventurer was = completely dumbfounded and restless, and stayed that way all night until = next morning where I feel it wise to end this adventure for now... Long = strewn fields!=20 Mark Fox=20 Newaygo, MI USA=20 G'day List, " African Meteorites are cool because....."=20 Nomads=20 Ornans Group=20 Rumurutiite's=20 Teaching Value=20 HED's=20 White Moon Rocks=20 E-Chondrites=20 SNC's=20 Taza=20 Achondrites=20 Fun Slicing Unclassified Stones=20 Renazzo Group Carbonaceous Chondrite Price Debates=20 Irons=20 Carbonaceous Chondrites=20 Angrites=20 Let's not forget that this competition would not be possible without = them!=20 Thanks,=20 Jeff Kuyken=20 I.M.C.A. #3085=20 www.meteoritesaustralia.com=20 African meteorites are cool because...." Cool, COOL ????!? Man, I never = have had such a HOT love affair as with meteorites......!=20 Marco Langbroek Hi Mark, What a super generous offer to get the list in a poetic mood! Here is my contribution: African meteorites are cool because they are a dark continent of knowledge that takes us back to our origins. Hidden within these inexpensive space rocks are the original ingredients in the recipe for the solar system and all the wonders that have evolved since. We see our most primitive beginnings in their bits of metal and carbon. They = are the great grandfathers of all rocks, full of hidden wisdom sparked to = life by the human imagination. Their desert silence is deceiving. Pick one up, turn it in your hand, smell it. Your eyes widen, the rock speaks. Show it to a child who is awestruck when she learns it's really from outer space. The rock speaks again. Hidden inside every African meteorite is a torrent of wonder and a story to be shared. Thanks, Bob King African Meteorites are cool because of the same reason we all collect - = the variety and unique story each one tells. We may not always know the = official classification, but can appreciate the chondrules, metal = distribution, colors, physical shock characteristics, even the = weathering. Regards to all, Phil Morgan=20 African meteorites are cool because Africa is such an intriging = continent.=20 Is it surprising that the birthplace of civilization is now also = yeilding clues to the origins of the universe? Africa, somehow appears = bigger than life with=20 an abundance and diversity in all things including meteorites. Example, = the largest meteorite (Hoba) as well as the largest masses of meteorites = (including the largest mass of lunar meteorites and the largest mass of = Martian meteorites) are from Africa. Some may complain about the volume = of NWA's but I'm glad to own an incredibly fresh CR2 or LL6 that I = normally could not have afforded. This abundance is really neat because = no longer does one have to travel to a museum and view a meteorite = behind glass. The average person can easily purchase his own NWA = meteorite. However, the greatest joy comes not from owning, but when = sharing these treasures with others. African meteorites are at their = coolest when placed in young hands and marveled by the wide eyes of = future generations.=20 Ken Newton=20 African Meteorites are cool because >From where they come it's very = cold. Some of them are quite young But most of them are very old. In = their Northwest African realms They spent many a cool night Just to bake = in the Saharan Sun After the cool morning breeze was gone. Each night = they gazed up at this beautiful, star-studded sky Whence once they came = from some asteroids nearby. Some even call our Moon or the Red Planet = their home Keeping each other company they didn't feel alone. Out there = in the Saharan Desert this heavenly lode One cool aeolian morning = decided Time was ripe to give up their sandy abode. So one by one they = travelled this globe Some of them have found a new home here For good - = at least that's what I hope!=20 Best poetic NWA wishes, Bernd Pauli HD Africa meteorites are cool because....after spending a few billion years = in space at a temperature of nearly absolute zero, and a few seconds = being heated up as they fall through our atmosphere, they are very cold = when they hit the ground!!=20 Dave Pensenstadler=20 African meteorites are cool because they don't pretend, no pedigree, no = academic record, no Saint Machin no Something County, no sophisticated = outfit, they just offer you what they are, an unnamed flower of the = universe, just for the thrill of the last explorers, the crude nakedness = of outer space and Sahara emptyness, the spirit of warm all star nights = of the mother of all mankind and civilizations: AFRICA....=20 Pierre=20 NWAs are seen by many as the bastard children of the meteorite world. = Just as this label implies, they are scorned, ignored and looked down = upon as not being worthy of our attention and scientific scrutiny. But = the meteorite world is a bit better off each time one of these precious = treasures is recognized for its origins and individual worth to us and = the world of science. Whether it be a scientific project or a = collector's shelf, we must remember they too hold untold secrets yet to = be fathomed - and should be accorded such respect. For many of the A to = Z's of the meteorite story are likely to be found among these denziens = of the desert which is why I love each one of them I have.=20 Greg Redford Dear Mark, African Meteorites are cool because they are the link between the desolate wastes of space, the dry and barren deserts of Africa and the void in our hearts created when we think we have seen it all. These Meteorites astound us with their beauty, confound us with their hints at extra-stellar origin and educate us (Once the Labs tell us their lineage) We never know, until we open them, if we are looking at a piece of the Moon, or Mars, or the last blackened fragments of a cometary impact. They capture our imagination as no earthly stone ever can and keep us looking for the next find. William Blake wrote about "seeing the universe in a grain of sand"; and what better way than through the mystery of the African Meteorites. Thanks for the opportunity to praise the African Meteorites! Guy Seligman Hello Mark and List, NWA Meteorites are cool because.... "THEY ARE FAR = OUT MAN"=3D20 A little saying that stayed in my head from the 60's. = Another one is, NWA Meteorites are cool because...... "THEY'VE BEEN = THERE, DONE THAT"....... I really enjoy the list, And everyone who = contributes to this list.=20 Thanks, Steve Yant. Canton, Ohio. "African Meteorites are cool because.....They're meteorites! (Need I =3D = say more?)=20 Wrecks463 ------=_NextPart_000_0005_01C1F5A1.95072DE0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; = charset=3Diso-8859-1"> <META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2600.0" name=3DGENERATOR> <STYLE></STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> <P>Hello Everybody,</P> <P>I would like to think everybody for taking the time to enter this = little=20 contest. NWA Meteorites, and those that collect and sell them, have long = gotten=20 an unfair tarnish. I remember joining this list about a year ago and = mentioning=20 that I collected NWA's. I recieved a box full of hate mail and NWA = "education"=20 by those that disprove of them. It is nice to see that atmosphere has = slowly=20 left the list. NWA have a place in our hobby....and in my collection. = </P> <P>I hope everybody had fun with this. Below are the entries. Some were = send=20 just to me so I have put them all together here. In fact I had much = better=20 responce then I thought I would. I denfinately know how to get the list = to=20 respond....offer something free. I would like to save these ramblings = and=20 possibly use one or more in a future NWA article... If this is a problem = with=20 any entries, please contact me and I won't archive your entry. </P> <P>Thanks, Mark Bostick "The Big Collector"</P> <P><BR>New meteorites for scientific analysis and for our collections. = Window of=20 opportunity for local residents to participate in meteorite hunting and = perhaps=20 improve their lot. Availability worldwide. </P> <P>Andre Bordeleau </P><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> <P><BR></P></FONT><FONT size=3D2> <P>NWA meteorites are cool because they are unique individuals which = have, and=20 continue to go with the flow. With temporary resting places in NWA which = may=20 have been long or short , these cool units of history continue to = illicit=20 responses of delight and dislike. They mirror the vast finds of = meteorites in=20 Antarctica the only difference is they are "cold" and we cannot have=20 them.</FONT><FONT size=3D3> </FONT></P><FONT size=3D2> <P>Cool NWA meteorites could be used to mark a grave ,adnored as = jewellery or=20 treasured in the museums and collections of the world or trodden under = foot ,=20 with little effect on the treasure contained in, and the history of each = one .=20 The impact is now on our lives for better or worse till death do us = part. My=20 relationship with them is "cool".</FONT><FONT size=3D3> </FONT></P><FONT = size=3D2> <P>My appetite for these cool NWA's has been initiated by accessibility = , driven=20 by affordibilty ,sustained by variety and continues by virtue of the = possibility=20 of the best is yet to come. My greatest fear is that the abundance of = them is=20 depleted and I will not be satisfied with my quest for the full spectrum = of all=20 available meteorites. </P> <P>So in poem form:</FONT><FONT size=3D3> </FONT></P><FONT size=3D2> <P>IMPACT YOUR LIVING </P> <P>CHOOSE THE WAY </P> <P>NWA METEORITES ARE GIVEN</FONT><FONT size=3D3> </FONT></P><FONT = size=3D2> <P>AND ARE HERE TO STAY</FONT><FONT size=3D3> </FONT></P><FONT size=3D2> <P>TAZA AND LUNAR </P> <P>MARTIAN THERE TOO</FONT><FONT size=3D3> </FONT></P><FONT size=3D2> <P>CR2 AND BENSOUR</FONT><FONT size=3D3> </FONT></P><FONT size=3D2> <P>THE CHOICE IS FOR YOU</FONT><FONT size=3D3> </FONT></P><FONT = size=3D2> <P>NWA METEORITES ARE COOL</FONT><FONT size=3D3> </FONT></P><FONT = size=3D2> <P>EVERYONE AGREE</FONT><FONT size=3D3> </FONT></P><FONT size=3D2> <P>MISS OUT : AND A FOOL</FONT><FONT size=3D3> </FONT></P><FONT = size=3D2> <P>LEAVES MORE FOR ME </P> <P>Simon de Boer IMCA #9708</P></FONT> <P><BR>african meteorites are cool because, i will get one free! </P><B> <P>David Calongne</P></B> <P>Hello All, Being my first week on "the list", I'll give you all my = take on=20 why "African Meteorites are cool because....." great pieces of ....20 = LUNAs SNCs=20 CRs HEDs LLs COs Rs and the occasional unclassified individual (that = could be=20 one of above if I chose to cut it!) ...all adorn my collection without = breaking=20 the bank. It has been a great time to collect during the past couple = years. The=20 African meteorties have been a blessing to the common working = man/collector.=20 </P> <P>Enjoy them, John Divelbiss </P> <P> </P> <P>Hello Mark And list, "African Meteorites are cool because....." They = have=20 allowed me to have a nice collection that otherwise I wouldn't be able = to=20 afford, and may have brought many new collectors into this market like = me. Also=20 with a great variety of classifications one can get quite a few = different types=20 . I like my NWA's, and with the amount of different NWA's available it = should=20 keep me busy for awhile ! Glad to hear you are feeling better Mark !!! = </P> <P>Best Regards. Steven Drummond " The Unknown </P> <P>NWA meteorites are cool beacuse I get to go to Africa every month, = sometimes=20 twice a month, and see a virtual buffet of rare and beautiful meteorites = direct=20 from the finders.</P> <P>Mike Farmer </P> <P>Dear Mark Bostick,<BR><BR>African meteorites are cool because they = were=20 once<BR>rocks floating in space. Every single one of them = were<BR>fireballs.=20 It's neat where they fell, like the Sahara<BR>Desert.<BR><BR>I will look = at your=20 ebay auctions soon!<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR>Catherine </P> <P>Editor note: Catherine Fox (11 years old) brother is on the meteorite = list</P> <P>May 5, 2002 Greetings Meteorite Enthusiasts! Despite my persistent = searching=20 for meteorites here in Michigan, I decided to finally try a different = approach=20 and enter the contest! A few members on this list may remember me = mentioning my=20 plan on buying (or at least seriously think of buying) meteorites after = I=20 finally find one or get tired of searching for one (which I haven't = yet). Allow=20 me just to say that there are some differences in this case as I am not = buying=20 any space rocks and have entered the contest partly on behalf of a = friend. So=20 without further ado my entry is as follows... I think African meteorites = are=20 cool because, well, because of this... They have an allure, an allure = that=20 cannot be described accurately by words alone, one which has attracted = the minds=20 and hearts of many adventurers, for meteorite hunters are indeed true=20 adventurers in every way. These heavenly bodies not only harken back the = days of=20 old, the days of El Dorado, the 49'ers, Victoria, Klondike, and others, = but=20 literally awaken the whole excitement of those illustrious rushes. = What's more,=20 the trek to the windswept lands spoken by many ardent meteorite hunters = as being=20 paved with celestial riches, is too, an arduous journey, just like the = other=20 rushes. As for some of the African space rocks that many deject due to = their=20 unclassified nature, I must say that such a thing adds to their allure, = at least=20 when I read about them. By being chemically unknown, just ponder the=20 mysteriousness of such meteorites and even the great mysteries that = meteorite=20 collectors themselves could reveal with only a saw and a curious mind! = Here is=20 also how I picture African meteorites as being "cool": ...It was dusk = and=20 getting late. Our meteorite hunter from under his wide-brimmed hat = momentarily=20 shielded his forehead as he surveyed the unfriendly, desert terrain. He = knew=20 fully well he should be getting back to his jeep and call it a day. But = his long=20 hours scouring the desert had yielded him not a single meteoritic stone = and his=20 eyes kept him glued to the hunt, always darting here and there, ever = hopeful=20 that a forgotten treasure may lurk up out of the scattered limestone. = Suddenly,=20 a thunderous noise broke the eerie silence, followed by a sharp squeal. = Our=20 adventurer threw his head towards the north in the direction of the = mighty dunes=20 which rose up like great walls of sand. He waited. Nothing. After a = short while,=20 he attempted to climb the dunes which blocked his view of the north for = many=20 miles. Finally, a bright twinkle from Venus tapped him on the shoulders. = It was=20 time to go. He sighed to himself as he paused crawling up the sand. = Within=20 minutes he found himself climbing into his desert transportation, still = quite=20 hot to the touch. The shadows grew longer as he rode off across the arid = land.=20 Within a short space of time, he arrived back at his makeshift camp, = greeted by=20 his fellow meteorite hunters that joined him on the meteoritic = expedition. Their=20 expressions all looked somehow strange, as if they were trying to = conceal some=20 sort of excitement. At last one of the friends causally spoke up, "Hi = Rudy. Find=20 anything?" Our unsuccessful adventurer shook his head. His friend smiled = "Well=20 then, did you see the bolide?" Rudy's eyes suddenly blew up like = balloons. "No=20 Frank! A Fireball? I-I thought I heard something, but didn't think it = was... Are=20 you sure?" "As sure as dripping tektites! Why, everybody here saw it! It = was=20 unbelievable! It was blue with a touch of red, and blew into hundreds of = pieces=20 just to the north of here. We heard screaming and everything." Quickly = an=20 expression of disbelief swept over Frank. " Where were you Rudy? = Practicing your=20 survival skills by eating the grass again? We haven't finished all of = the hot=20 fudge yet you know!" Our adventurer was completely dumbfounded and = restless, and=20 stayed that way all night until next morning where I feel it wise to end = this=20 adventure for now... Long strewn fields! </P> <P>Mark Fox </P> <P>Newaygo, MI USA </P> <P>G'day List, "</P> <P>African Meteorites are cool because....." </P> <P>Nomads </P> <P>Ornans Group </P> <P>Rumurutiite's </P> <P>Teaching Value </P> <P>HED's </P> <P>White Moon Rocks </P> <P>E-Chondrites </P> <P>SNC's </P> <P>Taza </P> <P>Achondrites </P> <P>Fun Slicing Unclassified Stones </P> <P>Renazzo Group Carbonaceous Chondrite Price Debates </P> <P>Irons </P> <P>Carbonaceous Chondrites </P> <P>Angrites </P> <P>Let's not forget that this competition would not be possible without = them!=20 </P> <P>Thanks, </P> <P>Jeff Kuyken </P> <P>I.M.C.A. #3085 </P> <P>www.meteoritesaustralia.com </P> <P>African meteorites are cool because...." Cool, COOL ????!? Man, I = never have=20 had such a HOT love affair as with meteorites......! </P> <P>Marco Langbroek</P> <P>Hi Mark,<BR>What a super generous offer to get the list in a poetic = mood!=20 Here is my<BR>contribution:<BR><BR>African meteorites are cool because = they are=20 a dark continent of<BR>knowledge that takes us back to our origins. = Hidden=20 within these<BR>inexpensive space rocks are the original ingredients in = the=20 recipe for<BR>the solar system and all the wonders that have evolved = since. We=20 see<BR>our most primitive beginnings in their bits of metal and carbon. = They=20 are<BR>the great grandfathers of all rocks, full of hidden wisdom = sparked to=20 life<BR>by the human imagination. Their desert silence is deceiving. = Pick=20 one<BR>up, turn it in your hand, smell it. Your eyes widen, the rock=20 speaks.<BR>Show it to a child who is awestruck when she learns it's = really=20 from<BR>outer space. The rock speaks again. Hidden inside every=20 African<BR>meteorite is a torrent of wonder and a story to be=20 shared.<BR>Thanks,<BR>Bob King</P> <P>African Meteorites are cool because of the same reason we all collect = - the=20 variety and unique story each one tells. We may not always know the = official=20 classification, but can appreciate the chondrules, metal distribution, = colors,=20 physical shock characteristics, even the weathering.</P> <P>Regards to all, Phil Morgan </P> <P>African meteorites are cool because Africa is such an intriging = continent.=20 <BR>Is it surprising that the birthplace of civilization is now also = yeilding=20 clues to the origins of the universe? Africa, somehow appears bigger = than life=20 with <BR>an abundance and diversity in all things including meteorites. = Example,=20 the largest meteorite (Hoba) as well as the largest masses of meteorites = (including the largest mass of lunar meteorites and the largest mass of = Martian=20 meteorites) are from Africa. Some may complain about the volume of NWA's = but I'm=20 glad to own an incredibly fresh CR2 or LL6 that I normally could not = have=20 afforded. This abundance is really neat because no longer does one have = to=20 travel to a museum and view a meteorite behind glass. The average person = can=20 easily purchase his own NWA meteorite. However, the greatest joy comes = not from=20 owning, but when sharing these treasures with others. African meteorites = are at=20 their coolest when placed in young hands and marveled by the wide eyes = of future=20 generations. </P> <P>Ken Newton </P> <P>African Meteorites are cool because ><I>From where they come = it=92s very=20 cold. </I>Some of them are quite young But most of them are very old. In = their=20 Northwest African realms They spent many a cool night Just to bake in = the=20 Saharan Sun After the cool morning breeze was gone. Each night they = gazed up at=20 this beautiful, star-studded sky Whence once they came from some = asteroids=20 nearby. Some even call our Moon or the Red Planet their home Keeping = each other=20 company they didn=92t feel alone. Out there in the Saharan Desert this = heavenly=20 lode One cool aeolian morning decided Time was ripe to give up their = sandy=20 abode. So one by one they travelled this globe Some of them have found a = new=20 home here For good - at least that=92s what I hope! </P> <P>Best poetic NWA wishes, <B>Bernd Pauli HD</P></B> <P>Africa meteorites are cool because....after spending a few billion = years in=20 space at a temperature of nearly absolute zero, and a few seconds being = heated=20 up as they fall through our atmosphere, they are very cold when they hit = the=20 ground!! </P> <P>Dave Pensenstadler </P> <P>African meteorites are cool because they don't pretend, no pedigree, = no=20 academic record, no Saint Machin no Something County, no sophisticated = outfit,=20 they just offer you what they are, an unnamed flower of the universe, = just for=20 the thrill of the last explorers, the crude nakedness of outer space and = Sahara=20 emptyness, the spirit of warm all star nights of the mother of all = mankind and=20 civilizations: AFRICA.... </P> <P>Pierre </P> <P>NWAs are seen by many as the bastard children of the meteorite world. = Just as=20 this label implies, they are scorned, ignored and looked down upon as = not being=20 worthy of our attention and scientific scrutiny. But the meteorite world = is a=20 bit better off each time one of these precious treasures is recognized = for its=20 origins and individual worth to us and the world of science. Whether it = be a=20 scientific project or a collector's shelf, we must remember they too = hold untold=20 secrets yet to be fathomed - and should be accorded such respect. For = many of=20 the A to Z's of the meteorite story are likely to be found among these = denziens=20 of the desert which is why I love each one of them I have. </P> <P>Greg Redford</P> <P>Dear Mark,<BR><BR>African Meteorites are cool because they are the=20 link<BR>between the desolate wastes of space, the dry and<BR>barren = deserts of=20 Africa and the void in our hearts<BR>created when we think we have seen = it=20 all.<BR><BR>These Meteorites astound us with their beauty,<BR>confound = us with=20 their hints at extra-stellar origin<BR>and educate us (Once the Labs = tell us=20 their lineage)<BR><BR>We never know, until we open them, if we are = looking<BR>at=20 a piece of the Moon, or Mars, or the last blackened<BR>fragments of a = cometary=20 impact.<BR><BR>They capture our imagination as no earthly stone = ever<BR>can and=20 keep us looking for the next find. William<BR>Blake wrote about "seeing = the=20 universe in a grain of<BR>sand"; and what better way than through the = mystery=20 of<BR>the African Meteorites.<BR><BR>Thanks for the opportunity to = praise the=20 African<BR>Meteorites!<BR><BR>Guy Seligman<BR></P> <P>Hello Mark and List, NWA Meteorites are cool because.... "THEY ARE = FAR OUT=20 MAN"=3D20 A little saying that stayed in my head from the 60's. Another = one is,=20 NWA Meteorites are cool because...... "THEY'VE BEEN THERE, DONE = THAT"....... I=20 really enjoy the list, And everyone who contributes to this list. </P> <P>Thanks, Steve Yant. Canton, Ohio.</P> <P>"African Meteorites are cool because.....They're meteorites! (Need I = =3D say=20 more?) </P> <P>Wrecks463</P></FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML> ------=_NextPart_000_0005_01C1F5A1.95072DE0-- Received on Tue 07 May 2002 09:31:28 AM PDT |
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