[meteorite-list] Closest meteorite

From: Robert Verish <bolidechaser_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:04:45 2004
Message-ID: <20020503063331.91281.qmail_at_web10402.mail.yahoo.com>

[meteorite-list] Closest meteorite

Michael Farmer farmerm_at_concentric.net
Thu, 2 May 2002 21:39:21 -0700

I would like to nominate Skip Wilson, and Gale
Newbury. Skip lives about 100 yards from the closest
Portales Valley piece to his house, and Gale Newbury
had one fall through his barn roof. It dont get much
closer than that.

I would like to "second" that nomination!

In the case of Skip Wilson, what are the "astonomical"
odds that a meteorite would fall so close to a person
who has traveled so far and who has "walked up to so
many meteorites".

It staggers the imagination.

Bob Verish

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Received on Fri 03 May 2002 02:33:31 AM PDT

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