Tr: [meteorite-list] Why We Fear Ourselves More than Asteroids
From: Michel <>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:02:32 2004 Message-ID: <000201c1d59a$5358e860$> Just again a post that did not reach the list. ----- Message d'origine ----- De : Michel Franco <> À : Ron Baalke <>; Meteorite Mailing List <> Envoyé : mardi 26 mars 2002 21:46 Objet : Re: [meteorite-list] Why We Fear Ourselves More than Asteroids > Dear Ron and list, > > Thanks for your last post. I liked reading it. And I have to confess that I > do not have enough time to readall your posts. I like your philosophy > of man and cosmos. > My only fear on Earth is my death. > What can I do. > I can spend my time wonderng about it. > I can do nothing risky. > I can choose not to fly airplanes whether or not I am the pilot. > I can protect myself against thunder. > > No, No. I have play cosmos. > I will learn a lot about my origins. And meet nice people. > I will forget my fear and just carry on looking deep in our past to > understand our most possible future. But I will wait for the umpredictable, > Just because it make my life worth being lived. > > I just recently experienced the walk on the middle of 2 impact craters > (Amguid and Tin Bider, in Algeria) ( just like pushing an old door opened > by the cosmos) I warmly recommand to anyone living nearby a crater, - or > even a bit further - to spend so time to walk it. I > would have loved to read Ron's posts there. > > My two impacts. > > Michel FRANCO > Caillou Noir, > 100 Chemin des Campènes > 74400 CHAMONIX - FRANCE > > > ----- Message d'origine ----- > De : Ron Baalke <> > À : Meteorite Mailing List <> > Envoyé : mardi 26 mars 2002 18:27 > Objet : [meteorite-list] Why We Fear Ourselves More than Asteroids > > > > > > > > > > ml > > > > Why We Fear Ourselves More than Asteroids > > By Robert Roy Britt > > > > 26 March 2002 > > > > In the past six months, while the world focused on the continuing threat > of > > global terrorism, as many as a dozen or more asteroids sneaked up on the > > Earth and zoomed by at distances just beyond the Moon's orbit and closer. > > Most were never noticed. Earlier this month, astronomers did spot one. > Four > > days after it flew by. > > > > In discussing these events, experts describe a planet vulnerable to an > > unexpected attack that could, in an instant, wipe out a city or even > destroy > > civilization. Some researchers go so far as to view the asteroid threat as > > an "international emergency situation," as Andy Smith of the Safety > Research > > Institute in Albuquerque New Mexico said last week. > > > > Yet as billions upon billions of dollars are spent to provide insurance > > against terrorism, astronomers were foiled in a recent attempt to > encourage > > Australia to invest a comparatively paltry $1 million to scan the mostly > > unsurveyed southern skies for killer space rocks. > > > > The scientists were practically laughed at on television by the science > > minister of Australia who, like much of the world's public, simply does > not > > take the threat of asteroids seriously. > > > > The reason is simple: The Dread Factor is not high enough. > > > > Paul Slovic, author of "The Perception of Risk" (Earthscan, 2000), says > most > > people are far more worried over what humans and technology can do to them > > than they are about natural disasters. While terrorism, chemical spills > and > > nuclear accidents are awarded high "Dread Factor" marks by most people, > > asteroids, earthquakes and hurricanes rate low. > > > > Stealth approach > > > > On March 8, a hunk of stone and metal about the size of an 18-story > > building, made its closest approach to Earth, passing roughly 298,400 > miles > > (480,200 kilometers) from the planet, just a bit farther out than the > Moon, > > but a little too close for comfort for most astronomers. > > > > But what was most disturbing was that the asteroid, later named 2002 EM7, > > passed virtually unseen. Not until March 12, when it had moved out of the > > glare of the Sun and into the night sky was it seen from Earth. > > > > And it was not alone: On Jan. 7, an asteroid the size of three football > > fields came within two lunar distances and was spotted only a month > before. > > Last October, a smaller asteroid passed by at a similar distance and was > > detected just two days prior. > > > > For each nearby asteroid that is spotted, several pass entirely unnoticed, > > some closer to us than the Moon, scientists say. One researcher estimates > > that each year, 25 asteroids roughly as large as 2002 EM7 whiz by at even > > closer distances. > > > > They slip through because of limitations to technology, telescope time, > and > > funding. > > > > These close brushes illustrate a message that asteroid researchers have > > repeatedly tried to hammer home to politicians and the public: The number > of > > undiscovered asteroids far exceeds the known list, and the list needs to > be > > filled out before it's too late. > > > > Asteroid 2002 EM7 left a a pretty ominous message on its own: Only a > > tremendously expensive new telescopes -- placed outside Earth's orbit so > as > > to monitor the blind spot created by the Sun -- could guarantee we won't > > suffer an unexpected and sudden impact. There would be a flash of > brilliant > > light in the sky, and seconds later the world would change forever in a > way > > that would render Sept. 11 an insignificant memory. > > > > Dread Factor vs. reality of risk > > > > Scientists develop asteroid risk statistics by estimating the total number > > of objects that exist and by studying evidence of past encounters -- big > > holes in the ground called impact craters. > > > > From these clues, they say your chances of death by asteroid are about the > > same as dying in a plane crash, roughly 1-in-20,000 during your lifetime. > > You're more liable to be electrocuted to death (1-in-5000 chance), succumb > > to skin cancer or be killed in a car crash. > > > > Yet asteroids pose more risk than tornadoes (1-in-60,000 chance), > > rattlesnake bites or food poisoning. > > > > If Earth is hit, you could die by direct impact and vaporization. Or you > > might be killed in an associated earthquake or volcanic eruption as the > > planet's bell is rung like never before in recorded history. Or perhaps > like > > countless lesser species, you'll die a slow, agonizing death of starvation > > as the world's food supply dwindles in the face of reduced sunlight caused > > by a global debris cloud. > > > > Yet if you're like most people, you are not all that worried, according to > > sociologists and psychiatrists who study these things. > > > > Slovic, the author, also works at Decision Research, an organization in > > Oregon that advises industry and government about risk. He says we do not > > base our fears on statistics. Instead, each of us develops our own > personal > > Dread Factor for various frightening scenarios based on personal > experience, > > knowledge and, more important, our sense of the situation. > > > > Emotion has replaced instinct as a major risk-assessment tool for modern > > humans, who face myriad dangers, none of which involve sneaking up on > woolly > > mammoths from behind a tree. > > > > "It is more of a gut feeling," Slovic says. "Does it worry me? Does it > scare > > me? Does it make me uneasy?" > > > > Cars are low on most individuals' Dread Factor lists, even though the > > average American stands about a 1-in-100 or 1-in-200 chance of dying in an > > automobile. > > > > "We don't dread cars," Slovic says. "Things that cause cancer are high on > > the Dread Factor." > > > > Scientists vs. voters > > > > The Dread Factor, or lack of it, can drive political funding decisions. > > > > The U.S. Congress apparently perceived the threat real enough to require > > NASA to make asteroid hunting a serious business. The space agency spends > > $3.55 million each year searching for and studying asteroids. (Much of > that > > money goes to space-based research of asteroids that pose no threat.) > > > > Individual search programs provide much of their own institutional > funding. > > And amateur astronomers around the globe contribute to the effort. Not > > everyone, however, sees an urgent need. > > > > The Australian Science Minister Peter McGauran, appearing on his country's > > 60 Minutes television program March 17, called the effort to find > > potentially threatening asteroids "fruitless, unnecessary, self-indulgent" > > and promised no funds unless researchers provide a more convincing > argument > > for the need. > > > > To the consternation of many researchers, there are no telescopes below > the > > equator devoted to searching southern skies for asteroids. Australia cut > > funding to one such effort in 1996. > > > > An ongoing online poll taken in conjunction with the televised program > found > > overwhelming support -- 91 percent at last count -- for reinstatement of > the > > funding. But these votes were cast by people who watched an animated > > asteroid slam into Earth and listened to leading experts spout frightening > > statistics and detail the grim outcomes they say are only a matter of > time. > > > > You and most other voters, in Australia and around the world, probably > lean > > more toward McGauran's sentiment. According to experts in risk assessment > > and fear management, McGauran's starkest statement likely reflects the > > general public mood: "I lie awake worrying about a lot of other things. > > Near-miss asteroids is not one of them." > > > > The average person tends to be much more afraid of industrial accidents, > for > > example. > > > > As with terrorism, vast sums of money are spent, as Slovic puts it, "to > take > > small risks of chemical and radioactive pollution and reduce them even > > further. We spend a huge amount for every statistical life saved. On the > > other hand, if you wanted to get people to spend money on asteroid > > protection or earthquake mitigation, it's very difficult, even though the > > risk is much greater." > > > > Richard Taylor of the Probability Research Group, a global affiliation of > > researchers looking into various science topics, thinks there is a clear > > message in the fact that nations spend billions on military defense but > zero > > scanning our entire Southern Hemisphere flank for asteroids: > > > > "We feel more at danger from man than from Nature," Taylor says. > > > > Not in my lifetime > > > > A decade ago, Slovic and some colleagues conducted a test. They provided a > > group of university students with information about the threat from > beyond, > > explaining that a giant asteroid was thought to have killed off the > > dinosaurs, and others would surely hit the planet at statistically > > determined intervals. Then they surveyed the students to determine how > they > > assessed the risk. The students recognized the threat, but chose not to > > worry about it. > > > > "They're expectation was, well, it's not going to happen in my lifetime," > > Slovic says. > > > > If astronomers were to announce an imminent collision, asteroids would > > suddenly develop a high Dread Factor, Slovic figures. But because none of > us > > has any direct experience whatsoever with deadly space rocks, "People > don't > > get worked up about it. There's too many things to worry about." > > > > Scientists find it similarly difficult to generate much public worry for > > other potential calamities, like horrible storms, droughts and coastal > > flooding that might result over the next century due to climate change, > but > > which are seen as remote in time. > > > > There is little chance that the complacent attitude of the public, and of > > some government officials, will ever elevate to the level of concern > > maintained by asteroid experts. As Slovic says, it's common for scientists > > and technicians to have a different and more rational understanding of the > > risks involved in their area of study. > > > > Fear as a motivator > > > > Many astronomers, it must be noted, believe present asteroid search > efforts > > are fairly adequate, notwithstanding the lack of a southern telescope. > With > > time, they say, the worst threats will be rooted out, which is to say the > > largest asteroids. And, they argue, the odds are that if any globally > > destructive object is found to be on a collision course with Earth, there > > will probably be years of warning. > > > > A more vocal group of astronomers and other proponents of increased > spending > > tend to worry about smaller asteroids that could cause regional > devastation. > > And they tend to make more frightening statements. Here are just a few > that > > have come from the mouths of respected experts just in the past 10 days: > > > > "If it were over a populated area, like Atlanta, it would have basically > > flattened it," asteroid cataloguer Gareth Williams told CNN in discussing > > the potential of asteroid 2002 EM7. > > > > "We live in a cosmic shooting gallery," said Duncan Steel of Salford > > University. > > > > "We're talking about a million megaton explosion," said author and > physicist > > Paul Davies of Macquarie University, in discussing a typical impact on > > another recent television program. "That's a million city-bursting bombs > all > > going off at once." > > > > While such statements are often softened with the reminder that the world > > probably won't end tonight -- Davies said in the next breath, "I don't > want > > people to lie awake at night worrying about it" -- the effort is clear: > Get > > you and the politicians to act on this threat. > > > > Yet in a world remade by a single day of terrorism, fear may be doomed as > a > > sales pitch, just as it was in Australia. > > > > Fear is not something that can necessarily be instilled by scientists. > > Instead, it tends to be generated by whatever rears its ugly head and > shouts > > loudest, explains Robert Butterworth, a psychologist at International > Trauma > > Associates in Los Angeles. Nothing right now, globally speaking, can > measure > > up to the fear of terrorism and the associated potential of a nuclear > > attack. > > > > I can't take it > > > > While there are plenty of things for a 21st Century human to worry about, > we > > all have our limits. > > > > "In order for us not to have these things on our minds, we use a device > > that's been maligned in last few years, which is denial and repression," > > Butterworth says. "We push it back, because we couldn't function if we > > didn't." > > > > Asteroids, like a fear of bugs or concern over a missed appointment, can > be > > lost in a shuffle of frightening thoughts. Some things just aren't as > > significant as they seemed last summer. > > > > Butterworth puts it this way: "If we had been walking with a limp and all > of > > a sudden were shot in the stomach, the limp fades away." > > > > No place has been hit in the stomach like New York City. Psychologist > Janice > > Yamins, whose patients include victims of the terrorist attacks, says > > residents are stunned by their own change in views, such as newfound > support > > for defense spending "instead of other things that won't help preserve our > > world." > > > > Where fear leaves off, anger and revenge step in. > > > > Natural disasters don't generate similar sea changes in philosophy. > > Californians suffer tremendously from earthquakes every few years. They > pick > > up and move on. Southeast coastal residents rebuild time and again after > > hurricanes. People there shrug off the threat. Butterworth figures an > > asteroid impact would generate similar reactions. > > > > "What do we do, shake our fist at God?" he asks. "Who can we be angry at?" > > > > All this psychology lends support to a notion that has already formed in > the > > heads of many astronomers: Their call for more funding will fall on a > whole > > lot of deaf ears until another asteroid makes real noise. > > > > The last serious impact was in 1908, when a rock about the same size as > 2002 > > EM7 exploded above the surface of Siberia. Roughly 1,200 square miles > (3,108 > > square kilometers) of forest were flattened in a remote region known as > > Tunguska. There were no known deaths, because almost no one lived there. > > > > The odds of a similar event, which could easily destroy a large city or a > > small state with miles of extra destruction to boot, are about 1-in-20 > over > > the next 50 years. > > > > Knowledge and false alarms > > > > In the past decade, about 500 very large space rocks have been found to > > wander near the space shared by Earth's orbit. These so-called Near Earth > > Asteroids, all larger than 1 kilometer (0.6 miles), represent about half > the > > expected total. Millions of smaller asteroids are almost entirely > > uncatalogued. > > > > The larger rocks are the ones many scientists fear most. If one hit Earth, > > civilization would be pushed to the brink and perhaps beyond. Deaths could > > easily be counted in millions, possibly even billions. Many species of > > plants and animals would disappear. > > > > As more asteroids are discovered and publicized, public awareness of the > > threat grows. But the information is not always accurate. > > > > In a couple of high-profile cases, most prominently four years ago with an > > asteroid called 1997 XF11, the public was warned of potentially > devastating > > impacts before further calculations showed the newly found rocks to be no > > threat at all. > > > > Worse, late-night radio programs and various web sites spout all sorts of > > unscientific claims of impending asteroid doom, reports that spread like > > tsunami radiating outward from an ocean impact. Any reporter who covers > the > > subject has gotten more than a few frantic e-mails from concerned citizens > > who heard this or that and were worried about the planet-destroyer coming > > next June, or whenever. > > > > Movies like Armageddon only enhance "wild inaccuracies" in some minds, > says > > Taylor of the Probability Research Group. > > > > All of this -- the fact, the fiction, the unfounded fears and the genuine > > threats that some people don't fear at all -- create a gulf of apathy and > > misunderstanding that may well prevent asteroid experts from convincing > you > > to see the world as they see it. > > > > Several dozen professional astronomers, meanwhile, maintain a nightly > vigil > > in the Northern Hemisphere, scanning immense and dark skies for tiny > points > > of light, then struggling to observe often minor movements against the > > background of stars in order to determine a trajectory, an ultimate > > destination. > > > > Always on their minds: Will this one hit Earth? > > > > "It isn't a matter of if one of these things is going to hit the Earth," > > said Duncan Steel on the 60 Minutes broadcast. "It's just a matter of > when. > > Either we can expect 23 years warning or six or seven seconds." > > > > For those in the know, the asteroid Dread Factor is off the charts. > > > > ______________________________________________ > > Meteorite-list mailing list > > > > > > Received on Wed 27 Mar 2002 09:11:07 AM PST |
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