[meteorite-list] Repost of Theft Notice from Yahoo Meteorite Sales List.
From: Jerry A. Wallace <jwal2000_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:00:05 2004 Message-ID: <3D253204.8B353C8_at_swbell.net> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> Folks, <p>Seems curious that Curator Henning Haack didn't also post his letter to <br>the Meteorite Central List as well... but nonetheless- here it is: <p>************** <p>Subject: <br> [meteorite_sale] Canyon Diablo fragment stolen from Museum in Copenhagen <br> Date: <br> Fri, 05 Jul 2002 07:29:25 +0200 <br> From: <br> Henning Haack <hh_at_savik.geomus.ku.dk> <br> Organization: <br> Geological Museum Denmark <br> To: <br> meteorite_sale_at_yahoogroups.com <br> CC: <br> Lisek_at_experimentarium.dk <br> <p>A 2900 g complete Canyon Diablo fragment belonging to the <br>Geological Museum, University of Copenhagen has been stolen <br>from a temporay dinosaur exhibit at the Experimentarium: <br><A HREF="http://www.experimentarium.dk/">http://www.experimentarium.dk/</A> <br>The specimen is very elongated (26x8x5 cm) and has a 3x1.5 cm <br>polished and etched surface on one of its ends. It was labelled <br>1949.91 <br>The Experimentarium offers a DKK 20000 (ca. 2650 US$) reward <br>for the recovery of the meteorite. <br>If you have any information about this meteorite please contact the <br>Experimentarium: <br>Lisek_at_experimentarium.dk <br>and/or the Geological Museum <br>hh_at_savik.geomus.ku.dk <p>Regards <br> Henning Haack <br> <p>Henning Haack <br>Associate Professor <br>Curator of the Meteorite collection <br>Geological Museum <br>University of Copenhagen <br>Oster Voldgade 5-7 <br>DK-1350 Copenhagen K <br>DENMARK <br>Ph: +45 35 32 23 67 <br>Fax: +45 35 32 23 25 <br>E-mail: hh_at_savik.geomus.ku.dk <br>Web: www.nathimus.ku.dk/geomus/</html> Received on Fri 05 Jul 2002 01:43:32 AM PDT |
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