[meteorite-list] Thank You

From: Rick Nowak <internationalmeteoritesociety_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:55:51 2004
Message-ID: <20020125052151.52032.qmail_at_web21001.mail.yahoo.com>


Thank you very much for your letter. Where allowed to
make mistakes and we all should have a place for
understanding and forgivness. And when a person goes
out of their way like you have you can only admire
them more. Steve if you had such reseacrh on Plymouth
my goodness some type type of compesation would need
to be given to you. Have you ever heard of the
"Chesapeake" the billion dollar gold treasure ship?
The research was so good that they literally dropped
the anchor on the ship the first day looking for it.
Thousands of hours and millions of dollars were saved
all due to research. I would like to talk to my
associate and see what we can offer you in return for
your research. Sometimes thou all the research in the
world can be futile and just plain back breaking foot
by foot work needs to be done.

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