[meteorite-list] NAKHLA TODAY vol.3, #101
From: Randy Mils <acculabs_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:55:50 2004 Message-ID: <F83e0C9guA8M6XQQez100011e84_at_hotmail.com> <html><div style='background-color:'><DIV> <P>You sure like to hear yourself talk, don't you.</P> <P>Why dont' you give us all a break and drop this subject. I suspect 90% of us are tired of your rambling.</P> <P>Randy<BR><BR></P></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV>>From: MARSROX_at_aol.com <DIV></DIV>>To: meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com <DIV></DIV>>CC: jschiff_at_ihug.co.nz <DIV></DIV>>Subject: [meteorite-list] NAKHLA TODAY vol.3, #101 <DIV></DIV>>Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 16:01:26 EST <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>A grateful wag of the doggie tail to list members - <DIV></DIV>> *Philip R. Burns* <DIV></DIV>> & <DIV></DIV>> *Alex Crutchfield* <DIV></DIV>>for their great work yesterday in trying to track down the 1911 newspaper <DIV></DIV>>sought by Mr. Baalke to "prove everything." <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Philip, "Pib" as he's called by his friends, suggested looking at the <DIV></DIV>>www.alahali.co site. Wow, it's like total Arab, man. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Meanwhile, taking a wild but calculated shot in the dark, Alex didn't let a <DIV></DIV>>little weird script throw him off of his gameplan and emailed a request for <DIV></DIV>>the story! There's $200 in my dog bowl for the reader who comes up with it <DIV></DIV>>first. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>A most honorable mention to CMcdon0923, affectionally called "oh-niner" by <DIV></DIV>>his boss at the nuclear reactor facility, (and "Sweet-3" by his lovely wife, <DIV></DIV>>Dolores) for gracefully allowing me to piggy-back onto his message yesterday <DIV></DIV>>to make my point. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>But today's feature is a Q&A between Ron and Kevin. We'll let Ron kick it off. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Ron: There was no fieldwork done at all by any qualified personnel <DIV></DIV>>in-the-field at Denshal. None. So we don't know anything, because of all the <DIV></DIV>>sloppy fieldwork. That's why there was some meteorites there, and smoke and <DIV></DIV>>noise. But we don't know for sure because they didn't look hard enough. No <DIV></DIV>>one ever looks hard enough. Luckily the farmer told us everything. Mohammed. <DIV></DIV>>I think he was a part-time prophet. But we don't know that either, because <DIV></DIV>>Hume never interviewed him. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Kevin: It says in the paperwork that Dr. Hume "instructed the local <DIV></DIV>>authorities to give me every help in the investigation. It is a pleasure to <DIV></DIV>>state here that the Sub-Mudir of the Beheira province, Mahmoud Bey <DIV></DIV>>Qotri...not only carried out the letter of their instruction, but rendered <DIV></DIV>>the most helpful personal assistance, THE SUB-MUDIR VISITING DENSHAL." Sorry, <DIV></DIV>>Ron, we wish Nininger could've searched Denshal for you, but we did get a <DIV></DIV>>sub-mudir going hut-to-hut looking for a meteorite. Since Hume says "he <DIV></DIV>>carried out the letter of the instruction" it seems like he ably covered <DIV></DIV>>Denshal, a very small village. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>But there was more investigation according to the John Ball Ph.D, D.Sc., <DIV></DIV>>paper where he wrote "Later on, another fine fragment was collected by Mr. <DIV></DIV>>Brigstock of the Ag Department." Denshal is on the rail line to the <DIV></DIV>>strewnfield. If they're looking for more meteorites, and there's the farmer's <DIV></DIV>>account of one in Denshal with a dog (!), wouldn't you think he'd get off and <DIV></DIV>>look there? The guy was "qualified" enough to "collect another fine fragment" <DIV></DIV>>somewhere else. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Then there's the visit by Dahab Hassan of the Geological Survey "sent to the <DIV></DIV>>place in October and succeeded in purchasing no less than 20 more of the <DIV></DIV>>stones, which in his opinion are all that were in the hands of the peasants <DIV></DIV>>at the time." He would have passed through Denshal on the train from Cairo, <DIV></DIV>>too. Wouldn't he check out Denshal? He collected 20 more fragments, does that <DIV></DIV>>make him "qualified"? <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Then there's the footnote on the Ball paper that reads "The newspaper account <DIV></DIV>>gave the place of the fall as Denshal....careful inquiries at Denshal showed <DIV></DIV>>that no meteorites had fallen there, nor had the smoke column been seen." It <DIV></DIV>>doesn't say "sloopy, inefficient inquiries". So we've got multiple searches <DIV></DIV>>by qualified people, not "no fieldwork" as you state over and over. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Ron: OK, OK. Maybe you're right, but I'll never admit it. But wait! Don't <DIV></DIV>>forget that there was only a one sentence reply to the original query! <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Kevin: And your point is..... <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Ron: One sentence isn't long enough for anything. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Kevin: The telegram's one sentence reply from the same sub-mudir, that later <DIV></DIV>>"followed Hume's instructions to the letter" was, "In reply to your telegram, <DIV></DIV>>we inform you that some twenty days ago, at midday, the inhabitants of <DIV></DIV>>Denshal Village heard an explosion resembling a clap of thunder, accompanied <DIV></DIV>>by a small quaking in the atmosphere, but no stones fell, as was the case at <DIV></DIV>>El Nakhla." Would you feel better, Ron, if he had broken the sentence into <DIV></DIV>>smaller ones for you? Even in tiny sentences it still says that no stones <DIV></DIV>>fell. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Ron: Are you always sarcastic? <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Kevin: You make it so easy. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Ron: OK, wiseguy, what about this. The farmer saw a column and a terrific <DIV></DIV>>noise and fragments burying themselves in the ground and a dog "left like <DIV></DIV>>ashes in the moment." <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Kevin: That's only one sentence, Ron. I thought one sentences didn't count. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Ron: See! See! The farmer saw the fall, the farmer saw the fall! <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Kevin: Give me a break, nobody else did. Whadya think, everyone else in <DIV></DIV>>Denshal is deaf, blind and dumb? <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Ron: There was no follow-up interview of the farmer by Hume. So we'll never <DIV></DIV>>know. No one qualified checked out Denshal. You lose. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Kevin: Wait a minute pal. I already explained about all of the people that <DIV></DIV>>probably checked out Denshal. And forget Denshal, you're the one that has to <DIV></DIV>>come up with a dead dog. You haven't mentioned anything about a dog in three <DIV></DIV>>years! <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>WE INTERRUPT THIS DISCUSSION WITH A WORD FROM OUR SPONSER <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Friends, wondering what the heck really happened a "hundred years ago" (years <DIV></DIV>>courtesy Mike Farmer) in sunny pyramid-land? Need something to read while <DIV></DIV>>waiting for "your medication to kick in"? (medication quote courtesy of <DIV></DIV>>pharmaceutical resource person Mike Casper). Then we've got just the thing <DIV></DIV>>for you! Send $5 to: <DIV></DIV>>Kevin Kichinka <DIV></DIV>>6747 Plantation Manor Loop <DIV></DIV>>Fort Myers, Florida 33912 <DIV></DIV>>and receive your personal copy of "The First Meteorite Record of Egypt" by <DIV></DIV>>Dr. Hume. Provided by the Smithsonian and dated 1911, this paper tells it <DIV></DIV>>all. Make up your own mind! And act fast, because the first 10,000 responders <DIV></DIV>>will also get "The Meteorite of El Nakhla El Baharia" by John Ball, Ph.D. <DIV></DIV>>complete with maps of the strewnfield! A true collector's item. Act now! <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Back to our interview: <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Kevin: Show me the D-O-G.....DOG! <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Ron: I can't. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Kevin: Show me the damn dog or admit that you ain't got one. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Ron: I can't. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Kevin: Show me the dog or back down, sucker. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Ron: I'm sure we'll learn about the dog when I get the newspaper. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Kevin: I don't want a dog that's gettin' paper-trained, I want a dead dog now. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Ron: I don't have one. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Kevin: Thank you, that wasn't so bad now, was it. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>______________________________________________ <DIV></DIV>>Meteorite-list mailing list <DIV></DIV>>Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com <DIV></DIV>>http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list <DIV></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr>Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: <a href='http://go.msn.com/bql/hmtag2_etl_EN.asp'>Click Here</a><br></html> Received on Tue 22 Jan 2002 04:18:15 PM PST |
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