[meteorite-list] Update - InnSuites Meteorite Auction
From: MacovichCo_at_aol.com <MacovichCo_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:55:41 2004 Message-ID: <2b.20834a50.2968d90f_at_aol.com> Hi Folks! Last chance! I have only twelve (12) slots remaining for consignments for th= e Second Annual Meteorite Auction at the InnSuites in Tucson on Sunday, Febr= uary 10th. If you wish to make a consignment, please get in touch QUICKLY!=20 Further exciting news: --We have snagged auctioneer Claudia Florian--a former auctioneer for Philli= ps & Sothebys--to run this sale; --The advertisement in the current issue of Smithsonian has already resulted= in dozens of catalog requests!=20 --Meteorites confirmed to be offered include, L'Aigle, NWA482, Camel Donga,=20= Manych, GV, Steinbach, Chassigny, Barbotan, Mauerkirchen, Ensisheim, Shalka,= Felix, etc. --Once again, if you are an exhibitor at the "Arizona Mineral & Fossil Show,= " you are entitled to consign one lot without having to pay a consignor's fe= e (courtesy of the Macovich Collection and the Great Zinn). The Event:=A0The InnSuites Meteorite Auction Date:=A0Sunday, February 10th=A0 10.30 AM Location:=A0 InnSuites, Tucson / Poolside Early Registration/Preview: February 1-9 - 10.00AM - 6.00PM Day-of Registration/Preview: February 10 - 9.30-10.30AM Number of lots: 100 Targeted price point: $200 to $25,000 Lots with no reserve: ~40% Consignor's fee: 10.0% Buyer's fee: 12.5% Limit per consignor: 4 lots Sell-through fee: 3% Insurance (if desired): 1% QUESTIONS: Why should I consider consigning a meteorite to this sale?=20 1. Guaranteed Interest. This offering will be heavily promoted. We are also=20= building on an outstanding buzz from last year's sale. Further, a number of=20= outstanding meteorites will be offered with NO RESERVES;=20 2. Marketing commitment. $4000 in dedicated advertising will be spent public= izing this event; 3. Location. Host to one of Tucson=92s preeminent shows, the InnSuites is ce= ntrally located and is indisputably Meteorite Central in Tucson; Where do I sign up? Right here. Please fill-in the following info. A formal consignment form wil= l be sent to you provided that your property is accepted for this auction. [= My interest is only in creating a marketplace for fine meteorites that are p= riced to sell, and to present this property to a crowd that is eager to part= icipate in an auction filled with such opportunities.] Name Street Address Apartment or Suite City State Zip Daytime phone Evening phone Description of each proposed consignment: --Slice or End or Complete or Fragment --No crust or ~25%, ~50%, ~75% or 95+% crust --Condition and extent of weathering Measurement (H x W x D): Weight: Provenance: Reserve: Will you be present at the auction? Can you explain what a =93reserve=94 is? A =93reserve=94 is the absolute low= est fee that consignors accept PRIOR to the deduction of the 10% consignor's= fee. The reserve is not published in the catalog. However, consignments wit= h reserves will be indicated in the catalog with a bullet (*).=20 Why would I want a reserve? Reserves are used as a mechanism to protect the consignor so that an item wi= ll not sell for too low a price. However, should a consignment=92s estimated= value be less than $300, no reserve will be allowed. What are =93estimated values=94? A guideline of what it is believed the consignment should bring at auction. Do you prefer consignments with either no reserve=85or low reserves? Yes. Consignments with no reserves or modest reserves are far more likely to= result in a successful sale.=20 Can I insist on a high reserve? No. If the reserve you wish to set is, in my estimation, too high, I will re= fuse the consignment. The philosophy of this sale is to offer choice merchan= dise that is attractively priced, which will result in a spirited marketplac= e. Are high reserves the only consideration in rejecting a consignment?=20 No. If I believe the consignment competes with too many other similar consig= nments, it will be rejected. Consignments will be accepted on a first-come,=20= first-served basis.=20 As a consignor to the InnSuites auction, how much will this cost me? If your consignment sells, your cost will be 10% of the hammer price (the hi= ghest bid). If your lot fails to sell, the sell-through fee (and insurance,=20= if so desired) will result in a cost of either 3% or 4% (w/insurance) of the= reserve price of the consignment. Are there deadlines to be a consignor? Yes. As a result of catalog deadlines (paper and cyber) the deadline will be= whenever the twelve slots are filled...my guess is by Tuesday, January 8th. There will be a catalog? There will be printed listing available at the InnSuites room 404, as well a= s a page at Macovich.com. Is there a deadline for physically accepting consignments? Consignments will be physically accepted at the InnSuites room 404 commencin= g on February 1st for Early Preview. The latest a consignment will be physic= ally accepted 12:00 Noon on February 5th. If your consignment does not arriv= e by this time, it will not be included in the auction. If you are a registe= red consignor and fail to deliver your consignment, you will still be assess= ed a 3% sell-through fee. If my consignment doesn=92t sell, how quickly can it be returned? Immediately following the sale. How quickly will I be paid after my consignment sells? In most cases, you will be paid within 24 hours. If your consignment sells f= or more than $5000, five business days may be necessary. This will depend en= tirely on the method of payment on the part of the buyer. That's it. Any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch. Darryl Received on Sat 05 Jan 2002 05:32:46 PM PST |
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