[meteorite-list] Tribal Group and Sale of Fragments

From: Francis Graham <francisgraham_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:54:03 2004
Message-ID: <20020210002439.87590.qmail_at_web12903.mail.yahoo.com>

Dear List,
  I once met a man who owned statuary artwork stolen,
much earlier and by someone else, from the tomb of a
Pope. The man I met I think had every legal right to
own it but its display in his garishly mod-style
living room and it separated from its artistic context
and that it was from a pope's tomb seemed offensive to
me as a Catholic; the very idea of tomb robbing
affected my sensibilities.
 I imagine this sort of sentiment is what the Native
Americans are feeling about the Willamette fragments
which are religious, or at least revered, artifacts
to them.
 But I may be missing important details. Comments? Is
this analogy fair or are there other factors? I know
this is controversial (and I have no objection to the
scholarly study of meteorite fragments or tomb art,
for that matter) but I thought I'd make this analogy
from my own life experience, for what it's worth.

Francis Graham

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