[meteorite-list] One last try

From: Rhett Bourland <rbourlan_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:54:00 2004
Message-ID: <IOEBKAHMGFBDJMOFGDFNOEKJDFAA.rbourlan_at_evansville.net>

Guess what Mohamed, you've convinced me. You do have many many many real
meteorites that just happen to look exactly like ordinary earth rocks.
Despite the fact that you have probally never bought a single meteorite on
your own you've looked on the net at some pictures and read about
meteorites. That would obviously make you more knowledgable than the folks
on the list that have told you otherwise. It doesn't matter that we've had
a couple of NASA employees, quite a few dealers, and even more collectors
who personally have examined hundreds, if not thousands of real meteorites
tell you otherwise, you are right. Those same dealers would have normally
hopped a flight to wherever you are and already have left with trunks full
of these rocks if they would have had even half a clue of what they really
are. You're really going to be getting the last laugh on all of "them" when
you find out you really do have such rare and amazing meteorites that are
worth so much money. I for one am certainly glad that you started posting
on this list and asking for opinions. The people who obviously don't know
as much as an expert like yourself will certainly look quite foolish when it
turns out you have found such amazing rocks such a lunar, a new sedimentary
meteorite, and a carbonaceous chondrite. In fact, you success has inspired
me so much I think I may start recognizing some of the rocks in my driveway
as new meteorites. Thank you Mohamed for all the wonderful work that you've
done. Soon everyone will see right you are and how wrong they are. Don't
be suprised if you are contacted by quite a few meteorite labs offering you
a position there to help them recognize these new types of meteorites
because there are certainly many many many out there identical to yours.
There, you heard what you wanted to hear. Will you please stop flooding us
with your rocks now?
Rhett Bourland

-----Original Message-----
From: meteorite-list-admin_at_meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-admin_at_meteoritecentral.com]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 8:25 AM
To: meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] One last try

Dear Bad Members;

What do you want me to do? Throw those rocks just because of what you say?
If you have some reasons to judge they are wrongs I have many reasons that
they are rights. Even if I was wrong about that, so what? What is wrong in
my posts? In the beginning you were angry because I was (nicely) arguing
your "expert" openions, and now you are angry just because I post. Why dont
take the advice of some memebrs and block my name. Is that not better than
spending half an hour in authoring such irritating replies with all the bad
words that better suit you. Notice that so far I did not reply to any of
your upsetting posts. I told you before it is not worth the press on the
reply botton. But for God's sake: what do you think yourselves you are?
Experts? Scientists? You should learn some behaviour before you come to
science. You really lack basic morals. You need to learn how to respect
others, even (and specially) if you think you know better.

Maybe your problem is that you cannt believe how I am finding so many
meteorites!!! I also cannt believe that and I know it is strange. And I also
know some of these rocks do not look like what you have or have seen, BUT I
am sure THEY ARE METEORITES as I am sure of my exsistence!!! Already one is
proved, and I will post the paper soon.

But actually, your real problem is that you believe you are perfect experts
and others are null. You should know that the highest level of knowledge one
may achieve is to know that he dos'nt know, and accept it. This means that
if you know something there are still much more you dont know. But because
you wrongly believe you are perfect experts you are not even trying to
discuss the
positive meteoritic features in my rocks, even if they were wrongs.

My sincere appology to all nice members.

Meteorite-list mailing list
Received on Mon 04 Feb 2002 10:31:17 AM PST

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