[meteorite-list] The biography of NWA869?
From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:53:33 2004 Message-ID: <OE93AaqZIZwyxDhGQSw0000c29b_at_hotmail.com> ------=_NextPart_001_0007_01C2A03D.CF5E2CE0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello John and List, =20 Re: NWA869 John asked "could you help flesh out this story?" NWA869 is one of the most common meteorites from Africa. Luckly for us, i= t is also one of the nicest. Me and Dean Bessey have recovered a good sha= re of it and sold it under this name. Other dealers have submitted sample= s under different numbers. Farmer and the Hupes use NWA787. Matteo origin= ally got the number NWA900 for the stone, as seen in Richard Norton's boo= k "The Cambridge Encyclopia of Meteorites, page 144. Matteo has since got= ten several other numbers for the stone was well. Rubin classified NWA869= as an L4, but then reclassified it as an L5. It should appear in the Met= eoritical Bulliten as an L5. Farmer-Hupes got NWA787 classified as an L6.= Matteo got an L3.9-6 classification. Two times with a brecciated classif= ication, and two times without. =20 When I was in Tucson, several of the moroccan dealers had large amounts o= f this stone as well. I tried telling a few of them the classification an= d wrote it down for them but then I would see someone looking at one ten = minutes after I talked with the Moroccan sellers and they would "forget" = my conversation. None of the moroccan dealers seemed to care about the cl= assification. =20 So what is the Classification? Rubin says its an L5, I am willing to go w= ith that. Is it brecciated? I think it is. But hey, if Gold Basin isn't b= recciated, then I guess I am willing to say NWA869 is not either. Breccia= tion has more to do with how it looks in a thin section rather then the e= ye, so this can be confusing at times. =20 Some have reported Carbonaceous enclosures in NWA869. What I believe they= are seeing is shock evidence in the stone. The more shocked parts of the= stone is usually darker and this is where I have seen dark inclusions, t= hat I think others have labeled Carbonaceous in error. =20 There is a lighter golden version of NWA869 as well. While I have not see= n this part in a thin section, I believe this to be a more weathered part= . Or it appears such is more accurate. Now, I have also seen the golden v= ersion, in the middle of the stone before and not on the edges, but it do= es look a lot like typical weathering I have seen in the African stones. = I think I if I remember right, NWA869 got a weathering of 2 (?). =20 Me and Dean have sold at least 600 kilos, mostly Dean. With what I have s= een at other dealers, the moroccan sellers in Tuscon and what I have been= offered from Morocco. I would say there has to be more then 1000 kilos o= f this stone out there. Maybe 1500 kilos or more. Now, arent we glad it d= oesnt look like Dhofar 020....:-) =20 If I can find the time soon, I will post pichures of thin sections from N= WA869. =20 Mark Bostick PS: I few 12+ pound NWA869 and would be willing to trade one if anyone is= interested? ----- Original Message ----- From: Jamie Stephens Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 9:54 AM To: Meteorite-List Subject: [meteorite-list] The biography of NWA869? List Members, I suspect that NWA869 has an interesting history. It's not =20 a story like http://www.meteor.co.nz/aug96_1.html or similar classics. Instead maybe NWA869 is a good archetype for a modern (?) meteorite story. Nomads (who?) find some about here. They take it to somebody =20 else, who talks to Dean (?) at midnight in the desert (or in =20 his car at a drive-thru via cell phone). Dean negotiates. =20 Meanwhile, other nomads find more material possibly paired =20 with NWA869 ... Dean brings back some, which he sells to =20 resellers and collectors. A notorious reseller engages in odd busines practices. Some controversy brews somewhere. =20 NWA869 is classified. Prices fluctuate. Etc. Please note that I have no idea. I'm just making that summary narrative up. I can see a blockbuster movie starring Harrison Ford as Dean (and maybe a montage of others). Dean and others, could you help flesh out this story? I'd be happy to summarize (if needed). List Members, if you're not interested, let me know. I'll repost and ask for info off-list. Thanks in advance. --Jamie Stephens IMCA 2828 ______________________________________________ Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list ------=_NextPart_001_0007_01C2A03D.CF5E2CE0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV> <P>Hello John= and List, </P> <P>Re: NWA869 John asked "could you help flesh out this s= tory?"</P> <P>NWA869 is one of the most common meteorites from Africa. Lu= ckly for us, it is also one of the nicest. Me and Dean Bessey have recove= red a good share of it and sold it under this name. Other dealers have su= bmitted samples under different numbers. Farmer and the Hupes use NWA787.= Matteo originally got the number NWA900 for the stone, as seen in Richar= d Norton's book "The Cambridge Encyclopia of Meteorites, page 144. Matteo= has since gotten several other numbers for the stone was well. Rubin cla= ssified NWA869 as an L4, but then reclassified it as an L5. It should app= ear in the Meteoritical Bulliten as an L5. Farmer-Hupes got NWA787 classi= fied as an L6. Matteo got an L3.9-6 classification. Two times with a brec= ciated classification, and two times without. </P> <P>When I was in Tucso= n, several of the moroccan dealers had large amounts of this stone as wel= l. I tried telling a few of them the classification and wrote it down for= them but then I would see someone looking at one ten minutes after I tal= ked with the Moroccan sellers and they would "forget" my conversation. No= ne of the moroccan dealers seemed to care about the classification. </P> = <P>So what is the Classification? Rubin says its an L5, I am willing to g= o with that. Is it brecciated? I think it is. But hey, if Gold Basin isn'= t brecciated, then I guess I am willing to say NWA869 is not either. Brec= ciation has more to do with how it looks in a thin section rather then th= e eye, so this can be confusing at times. </P> <P>Some have reported Carb= onaceous enclosures in NWA869. What I believe they are seeing is shock ev= idence in the stone. The more shocked parts of the stone is usually darke= r and this is where I have seen dark inclusions, that I think others have= labeled Carbonaceous in error. </P> <P>There is a lighter golden version= of NWA869 as well. While I have not seen this part in a thin section, I = believe this to be a more weathered part. Or it appears such is more accu= rate. Now, I have also seen the golden version, in the middle of the ston= e before and not on the edges, but it does look a lot like typical weathe= ring I have seen in the African stones. I think I if I remember right, NW= A869 got a weathering of 2 (?). </P> <P>Me and Dean have sold at least 60= 0 kilos, mostly Dean. With what I have seen at other dealers, the morocca= n sellers in Tuscon and what I have been offered from Morocco. I would sa= y there has to be more then 1000 kilos of this stone out there. Maybe 150= 0 kilos or more. Now, arent we glad it doesnt look like Dhofar 020....:-)= </P> <P>If I can find the time soon, I will post pichures of thin sectio= ns from NWA869. </P> <P>Mark Bostick</P> <P>PS: I few 12+ pound NWA869 an= d would be willing to trade one if anyone is interested?</P></DIV> <DIV>&= nbsp;</DIV> <BLOCKQUOTE style=3D"PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; M= ARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"> <DIV= style=3D"FONT: 10pt Arial">----- Original Message -----</DIV> <DIV style= =3D"BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt Arial; COLOR: black"><B>From:</B> Jam= ie Stephens</DIV> <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt Arial"><B>Sent:</B> Tuesday, D= ecember 10, 2002 9:54 AM</DIV> <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt Arial"><B>To:</B>= Meteorite-List</DIV> <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt Arial"><B>Subject:</B> [me= teorite-list] The biography of NWA869?</DIV> <DIV> </DIV>List Member= s,<BR><BR>I suspect that NWA869 has an interesting history. It's no= t <BR>a story like<BR><BR> http://www.meteor.co.nz/aug9= 6_1.html<BR><BR>or similar classics. Instead maybe NWA869 is a good= archetype<BR>for a modern (?) meteorite story.<BR><BR> Nomads (who= ?) find some about here. They take it to somebody <BR> else, = who talks to Dean (?) at midnight in the desert (or in <BR> his car= at a drive-thru via cell phone). Dean negotiates. <BR> = Meanwhile, other nomads find more material possibly paired <BR> wi= th NWA869 ... Dean brings back some, which he sells to <BR> r= esellers and collectors. A notorious reseller engages in<BR> = odd busines practices. Some controversy brews somewhere. <BR>= NWA869 is classified. Prices fluctuate. Etc.<BR><BR>Pl= ease note that I have no idea. I'm just making that summary<BR>narr= ative up. I can see a blockbuster movie starring Harrison<BR>Ford a= s Dean (and maybe a montage of others).<BR><BR>Dean and others, could you= help flesh out this story? I'd<BR>be happy to summarize (if needed= ). List Members, if you're<BR>not interested, let me know. I'= ll repost and ask for info<BR>off-list.<BR><BR>Thanks in advance.<BR><BR>= --Jamie Stephens<BR> IMCA 2828<BR><BR>_____________________________= _________________<BR>Meteorite-list mailing list<BR>Meteorite-list_at_meteor= itecentral.com<BR>http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list= <BR></BLOCKQUOTE></BODY></HTML> ------=_NextPart_001_0007_01C2A03D.CF5E2CE0-- Received on Tue 10 Dec 2002 12:18:05 PM PST |
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