[meteorite-list] 7 Month Old Article: Belarus Woman Escapes Meteorite

From: Robert Verish <bolidechaser_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:53:32 2004
Message-ID: <20021205075706.38520.qmail_at_web80305.mail.yahoo.com>


Dateline: Sunday May 12, 2002

 Belarus Woman Escapes Meteorite

 A meterorite passed within a few metres of a
Belarussian woman working in her vegetable patch, the
Interfax news agency reported yesterday.

 Teacher Ekaterina Privalova was digging in her garden
in the village Krichev in Mogilievsky region when she
heard what she later described as a ``terrible whistle
. . . and then something struck my garden with an
awful force''.

 After hiding in her house for some 40 minutes,
Privalova returned to her vegetable patch to find a
crater near where she had been digging.

 Privalova and her neighbours later measured the hole
at one metre across and 40 centimetres deep.

 A shovel was required to uncover at the crater's
bottom, a chunk of still-warm rounded stone, whose
edges appeared to be burnt with a dark silver colour.

 Privalova donated the rock, weighing some 470
grammes, to the Bryansk middle school, where she was
formerly teaching.

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