[meteorite-list] Going hunting
From: John Reed <john_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:52:06 2004 Message-ID: <3D4F7855.F00EFB76_at_findalltrades.com> Dave, I know its not going to be like fishing in a barrel but I do have few things going for me 1. I heard it , it sounded like a quite motor boat 2. I got a 1 second sight on it, gray and fuzzy propably fuzzy becuase it was spinning so fast 3 Its shadow passed over me 4.I am reasonably sure of the angle it came down 5 I am pretty certain of the direction because I saw it looking straight up and also the the angle it went away from my house which is still there so we can reference it I am pretty sure it was between 22o-28o looking straight up off the rain gutter Here's the question how high was it when it passed over me? Thanks John David Freeman wrote: > Dear John, List; > I didn't see you mentioned that it made the "nighttime as day time" and > there fore, I think that it was the size of a pea and probably burned up > except for a pea size piece that you may have heard.. Ever hear a rifle > bullet a mile down range? Five miles down range? > Statistics note that most meteorites at night are usually very small and > don't make it through the atmosphere to the ground. > I would think a random search of anywhere would have the same percentage > of success....about 800 manhours of searching per new meteorite. > Good Luck, there must be some somewhere. > Dave (_at_400 hours) Freeman > > John Reed wrote: > > > In 1985 or 86 a meteor flew over my head it came out of the sky at > >about 45-50 degrees I saw a grayish fuzzy mass all in about 2 seconds I > >am going back to the desert( 10 miles from Palm Springs) on business on > >aug 9,. I will have 2 days to see if I > >can find it. At the time I thought it to be an ordinary occurance in the > > > >desert Anyway I drew a stright line on a piece of paper representing > >the horizontal level that I was standing then I made a dot above the > >line representing where I was standing on the horizontal line and how > >high it was I then put a straight edge at 47o and drew a line from the > >dot to the horizontal line it came out that it would of hit 5 times the > >distance between the horizontal line and the dot So I am thinking it was > > > >no more than 500 feet high or less than 200 The way it works out it > >should of landed about a half mile away? 5 x 500 I know what direction > >it went The question of course is how high was it really? I heard a > >propeller or motor sound, the fire ball part only lasted a split > >second when I saw it in the sky then it was probably close to 2 > >seconds before I heard it chopping the wind then I saw a big blur of > >grayish fuzz and a quick shadow passing over. From the time I first > >heard it till it was out of ear shot was maybe a fraction over 2 > >seconds. It seemed to be horizontal. I remember thinking it was as big > >as a wheel barrow. I also remeber thinking I would hear a thud or > >something when it hit I did not. It was a dead silent night at about 2 > >am Is there any thing I havn't figured? besides the heat the snakes and > >the fire ants > > Do you think that its shape may have something to do with why it didn't > > > >whistle or blow up and also the short fire tail ( 1 second) > > This would mean that if something of irregular shape came in contact > >with the atmosphere its spinning and chopping would slow it down enough > >so it wouln't heat up or reach the speed of sound and blow up > >I know it a long shot but, if I find him I'am gonna put a saddle on his > >back and ride him into town! > >Thanks John > > > > > >______________________________________________ > >Meteorite-list mailing list > >Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > >http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > > > Received on Tue 06 Aug 2002 03:18:46 AM PDT |
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