[meteorite-list] Plotting Months and Days - Part 1

From: Impactika_at_aol.com <Impactika_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:50:29 2004
Message-ID: <1a9.16744e6.29fb6265_at_aol.com>

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In a message dated 4/26/2002 9:58:23 AM Mountain Daylight Time,
cdnastronomer_at_hotmail.com writes:

> Speaking of meteorite falls and dates I am trying to find my "birthday
> meteorite". which is Dec 16th. I know Ivuna fell that day but does anyone
> know of another meteorite that fell that day that I wont have to sell a
> kidney on the black market in order to get the funds to get a nice piece
> of?

I am sorry Jay, but according to my Calendar, Ivuna is the only meteorite for
December 16.
However Nuevo Mercurio fell on December 15th, 1978, at 18:50. So maybe you
can stretch the truth a little, and become one day older.

Anne Black
IMCA #2356
e-mail: IMPACTIKA_at_aol.com

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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2>In a message dated 4/26/2002 9:58:23 AM Mountain Daylight Time, cdnastronomer_at_hotmail.com writes:
<BR><BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE style="BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">Speaking of meteorite falls and dates I am trying to find my "birthday
<BR>meteorite". which is Dec 16th. I know Ivuna fell that day but does anyone
<BR>know of another meteorite that fell that day that I wont have to sell a
<BR>kidney on the black market in order to get the funds to get a nice piece of?
<BR>I am sorry Jay, but according to my Calendar, Ivuna is the only meteorite for December 16.
<BR>However Nuevo Mercurio fell on December 15th, 1978, at 18:50. So maybe you can stretch the truth a little, and become one day older.
<BR>Anne Black
<BR>IMCA #2356
<BR>e-mail: IMPACTIKA_at_aol.com</FONT></HTML>

Received on Fri 26 Apr 2002 10:09:41 PM PDT

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