[meteorite-list] Hypervelocity Impact Symposium (HVIS) 2003
From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:50:29 2004 Message-ID: <200204232054.NAA23766_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> http://www.estec.esa.nl/conferences/hvis2003/index.html Third Announcement and Final Call for Papers HVIS 2003 Hosted by the European Space Agency's Research & Technology Centre (ESTEC) 7-10 April 2003 Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin Noordwijk, The Netherlands The Hypervelocity Impact Symposium is a regular event that is dedicated to enabling and promoting an understanding of the basic physics of high velocity impact and related technical areas. This international event provides a forum for researchers to share and exchange a wealth of knowledge through oral and poster presentations and technical exhibits. HVIS 2003 will be the eighth symposium in a series. It will be hosted by ESTEC and held in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. The dates of the conference coincide with the tourist season in the bulb district and Noordwijk is located in this district. The technical sessions will be held at the Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin, Noordwijk during April 7-10, 2003. All papers presented at the Symposium will be published in a refereed volume of the International Journal of Impact Engineering. Symposium topics * Hypervelocity phenomenology studies * High-velocity launchers and diagnostics * Spacecraft meteoroid and debris shielding and failure analysis * Material behaviour under high velocity impacts * Fracture and fragmentation * High velocity penetration mechanics and target response * Analytical and numerical simulation techniques * Asteroid impact and planetary defence technology * Penetration mechanics of shaped charges and explosively formed penetrators * Planetary impacts Call for papers Abstract of proposed papers are solicited from those actively interested and involved in hypervelocity impact. The preferred method of submitting abstracts is using the form on this web site. If it is not possible to submit your abstract through the web site, it may be submitted by e-mail as an attachment or by mailing a printed copy, along with a diskette copy to the following address: HVIS 2003 ESTEC Conference Bureau Postbus 299 NL-2200 AG Noordwijk The Netherlands Tel: +31-71-565-5005 Fax: +31-71-565-5658 E-mail: confburo_at_esa.int Abstract must be received no later than May 15, 2002 Authors will be notified in June 2002 of the review decision for their proposed paper. An author's packet will be mailed to authors whose abstracts are accepted. Acceptance of an abstract indicates preliminary acceptance of a paper for publication in the International Journal of Impact Engineering, subject to a technical peer review with final recommendation on the basis of such review. Abstract Guidelines * Abstracts should be at least 500 words plus figures and references. * The official language is English. * Abstracts must be cleared for public release with unlimited distribution. An abstract booklet of accepted papers will be distributed at the symposium. * Include name, address, affiliation, phone number, fax number and e-mail address of the primary author. * Indicate author's preference for oral or poster presentation * Indicate appropriate topic. Commercial Exhibits Commercial Exhibits will be on display during the entire symposium giving attendees ample opportunity to meet with company representatives. Companies interested in exhibiting should contact the ESTEC Conference Bureau, P.O.Box 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk, NL. Tel.. +31 71 5655005, Fax: +31 71 5655658, e-mail: confburo_at_esa.int Schedule August 2001 Abstract 1st call January 2002 Abstract 2nd call May 2002 Abstracts due June 2002 Notification to authors September 2002 Papers due for review October 2002 Preliminary Programme and Registration details February 2003 Deadline for Hotel Reservation March 2003 Final papers due April 2003 HVIS Symposium Distinguished Scientist Award HVIS 2003 The Hypervelocity Impact Society makes an award for Distinguished Scientist at each of its Symposia. The next Symposium is to be held in Noordwijk, The Netherlands in April 2003 and the Society is seeking nominations for this prestigious award. The award for Distinguished Scientist is based upon the following criterion: * Significant and lasting contributions to the field of hypervelocity science. The award is normally given to an individual but a research team of two individuals is also eligible. Formal letters of nomination are invited from the HVIS Membership and anyone who has been involved in hypervelocity science. In preparing the letter of nomination, which should include supporting information about the candidate, proposers may wish to address the candidate's technical recognition within the community, the importance of their work and its contribution to hypervelocity science and their personal contribution and service to the Society. Written nominations can be emailed to the following members of the Society: * Ian Cullis, email: igcullis_at_qinetiq.com * Gene Hertel, email: esherte_at_sandia.gov * Volker Hohler, email: hohler_at_emi.fhg.de * Tim Holmquist, email: tjholm_at_networkcs.com The closing date for nominations is December 2002. Best Paper Award HVIS 2003 At the forthcoming HVIS 2003 an award will be made for the best paper submitted for presentation to the Symposium. The selection criteria are: * Originality * Difficulty of Research * Importance of Research * Excellence of the Written Paper. The selection of the best paper will be made at the manuscript review meeting. All authors are invited to submit a paper worthy of inclusion in the Best Paper Review. Alex Charters Student Scholars Program http://www.hvis.org/students.html HVIS Web site http://www.hvis.org/ Travel , Accommodation and Registration Air travel: Noordwijk is located 30 km south of Amsterdam. The nearest international airport is Schiphol-Amsterdam Airport, detailed information is available at www.schiphol.nl. Accommodations: The host hotel for this meeting is the Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin in Noordwijk (www.huisterduin.com). special rates for the Conference hotel and other hotels in the Noordwijk area are negotiated. Further details on registration and hotel accommodation will be published in the preliminary programme that will be issued in October 2002. Symposium Chairmen Michel Lambert ESA/ESTEC michel.lambert_at_esa.int phone: 00 31 71 565 3434 Dr. Eberhard Schneider EMI schneider_at_emi.fhg.de phone: 0049 761 2714 326 Technical Chairmen Frank Schaefer EMI schaefer_at_emi.fhg.de phone: 0049 761 2714 421 Peter Buchwald ESA/ESTEC peter.buchwald_at_esa.int phone: 00 31 71 565 3396 Technical Committee Detlef Alwes DLR Charles Anderson Southwest Research Institute Werner Arnold EADS-TDW Stefan Bless Institute for Advanced Technology Dennis Baum Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories Lalit Chhabildas Sandia National Laboratories Eric Christiansen NASA Johnson Space Center Jeanne Crews NASA Johnson Space Center Ian Cullis Defence Evaluation Research Agency Roberto Destefanis Alenia Steve Evans NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Eric Fahrenthold University of Texas at Austin Harry Fair Institute for Advanced Technology Walter Flury European Space Agency Joseph Foster U.S. Air Force - Eglin AFB William Gooch Army Research Laboratory Donald Grosch Southwest Research Institute Colin Hayhurst Century Dynamics Eugene Hertel Sandia National Laboratories Stefan Hiermaier Ernst Mach Institut Volker Hohler Ernst Mach Institut Tim Holmquist Network Computing Services Inc. Reiner Huehn BWB Eduard Igenbergs Technical University Muenchen Andrey Ioilev RFNC-VNIIEF Masahide Katayama CRC Research Institute Thomas Kenkmann HU-Berlin Justin Kerr NASA Johnson Space Center Erhardt Lach Institut Saint Louis Christian Loupias Centre d'Etudes de Gramat Jean Claude Mandeville DERTS Tony McDonnell Open University Scott Mullin Southwest Research Institute Michael Normandia Army Research Laboratory Dennis Orphal International Research Associates Inc. Andrew Piekutowski University of Dayton Research Institute Hans-Guenther Reimerdes RWTH Aachen Andre Rolfo CNES Hans Werner Schmidt BWB William Schonberg University of Missouri - Rolla Jean Marc Sibeaud Centre d'Etudes de Gramat Emma Taylor Astrium Klaus Thoma Ernst Mach Institut Joel Williamsen University of Denver Research Institute Jerome Yatteau Applied Research Associates Inc. Received on Tue 23 Apr 2002 04:54:34 PM PDT |
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