[meteorite-list] Loud Boom Rattles England/Possible Boom From MI
From: FERNLEA4_at_aol.com <FERNLEA4_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:47:11 2004 Message-ID: <61.16a28a76.292812da_at_aol.com> In a message dated 17/11/01 18:40:04 GMT Standard Time, unclefireballmtf_at_yahoo.com writes: << Here is a most interesting link to a report that may result in a new space rock discovery. I think Mr. Rob Elliott and other enthusiasts from England will also be intrigued, if not already! http://www.edinburghnews.com/searchresults.cfm?id=EN01191708 >> Hi Mark and list. I had a couple of phone calls from press agencies on Wednesday, regarding the loud explosion heard over the Borders region on Tuesday evening. Many people heard the boom, but I've had no reports of anyone seeing a fireball or anything out of the ordinary that night. That doesn't bode well, because it was a clear, frosty evening on Tuesday night here, and I'd have expected at least a few fireball reports if it had been a meteor. It's still a bit of a mystery! Leonid Night looks like it's going to be a non-starter for us too, because we're under a thick blanket of cloud right now. Bloody British weather! ;-) Cheers, Rob Elliott. http://fernlea.tripod.com/forsale.html Fernlea Meteorites, The Wynd, Off Dickson Lane, Milton of Balgonie, Fife. KY7 6PY United Kingdom Tel: +44-(0)1592-751563 Fax: +44-(0)1592-751991 Email: fernlea4_at_aol.com Received on Sat 17 Nov 2001 02:22:02 PM PST |
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