[meteorite-list] Response re List behavior

From: Sharkkb8_at_aol.com <Sharkkb8_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:44:13 2004
Message-ID: <d.165c9230.286100f2_at_aol.com>

Thanks, Michael. OK, I, for one, would really love to read a concise,
unbiased, rational accounting of what's happening in the Sahara/NWA, provided
by whomever can do so without ulterior motives. I think most of us on the
sidelines just want to know the FACTS, the truth about what is happening, and
we'd then like to be left to sort it out ourselves, and draw our own
conclusions. This seems to me to be a perfect real-life application of
Justice Brandeis's comment, "sunlight is the best disinfectant". I'd rather
formulate a position concerning dishonest Sahara practices based on cold,
dispassionate facts than trying to read between the lines of opposing
emotional attacks from the major players, an inexact science at best.

Is this kind of discussion possible?

Received on Tue 19 Jun 2001 03:24:34 PM PDT

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