[meteorite-list] UA Science Team Readies For NEAR Landing
From: Tracy Latimer <tracyl_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:41:07 2004 Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.93.1010207125348.28516B-100000_at_netra.lib.state.hi.us> OK ladies and gentlemen, place yer bets! Anyone want to start a pool on what will happen when the spacecraft finally does touch down (impact?) the surface of Eros? Bounce wildly around before settling down, a la Pathfinder on Mars? Bounce once or twice? Settle gently to land? Bury itself in a puddle of dust? Come in too fast and splatter itself over the landscape? Bounce off and become another eventual Earth-impactor? or spin off into uncharted space? Go BOOM (heaven forbid!)? The possibilities are boundless. I'm just pleased to have a front row seat for the landing. Thank you, Ron, for the regular updates. Tracy Latimer --I'll put one of my unidentified Sahara chips into the kitty-- Received on Wed 07 Feb 2001 06:00:45 PM PST |
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