[meteorite-list] Virus!! Snowhite....
From: Don Young <dcyoung1_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:37:35 2004 Message-ID: <3A3B21E3.C3C2345A_at_swbell.net> Hi List. Is anyone else on the list getting the enclosed E-Mail. Several times I have received the enclosed message and have always refused to open the attachment. I receive few E-Mails other than from this list. Be sure to read the enclosed reply after the E-Mail. I currently have 4 coppies on my machine. 1 inbasket 3 trash... So far I see no pattern. Subject: Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL story! Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:47:25 -0600 (CST) From: Hahaha <hahaha_at_sexyfun.net> To: dcyoung1_at_swbell.net Today, Snowhite was turning 18. The 7 Dwarfs always where very educated and polite with Snowhite. When they go out work at mornign, they promissed a *huge* surprise. Snowhite was anxious. Suddlently, the door open, and the Seven Dwarfs enter... ATTACHMENT APPEARS HERE...... name midgets.scr You might want to click START, FINS, FIles/Folders and key in midgets to see if this file exists on your CPU. Thinking it was just junk spam and possibly a virus since I did not know the sender I have never opened it.. BUT I sent a nasty reply to the sender asking to be removed. I got the following auto response... Subject: Autoresponse to your mail, re: Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL story! Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 23:54:24 -0500 From: Auto Responder <auto_at_nullspace.neonova.net> To: dcyoung1_at_swbell.net +------------------- |NOTA BENE: This message is automatically generated; PLEASE DO NOT REPLY. | Subsequent email with the same reply-to address will not induce | additional responses from this service. +--------- Hello, You are receiving this message because you have sent a email to hahaha_at_sexyfun.net to request, complain or notify this user that they are SPAMMING, sending email with a virus, sending email that has content that may not be appropriate for minors, to be removed from a mailing list, etc.. The truth is: 1) This user does NOT exist. 2) The email that you got with the From: field of hahaha_at_sexyfun.net did NOT come from sexyfun.net or the hosting companies network. 3) The email you got is in FACT a way for the (W95.Hybris.gen) virus to spread itself around the world / Internet. 4) If you would look at the Received: header of the email you got it will tell you the real IP / Computer name that has sent you this virus which is most likely someone you know that is infected with the virus and is not aware of it. 5) The owner of the domain sexyfun.net and the hosting company has setup a help page with information about the (W95.Hybris.gen) virus, links to software that you can use to clean your computer if you are infected as well as other misc. information. NOTE: As long as you don't run / open / double click on the attachment of this email, this virus should not be able to infect you just by reading the email. This is the link to the website we have setup to provide additional information about this Virus. http://www.sexyfun.net/ Here are links to well known companies of anti-virus products that will show that what has been said above is true. http://www.datafellows.com/v-descs/hybris.htm http://www.kaspersky.com/news.asp?tnews=0&nview=1&id=134&page=0 If you have any other questions please contacts us at: web_at_sexyfun.net Thanks you for your time. -- Don Young (Faux-Oro) aka (Fools-Gold) Have Cesium MagnetometerS Will travel if you have a Site we can work together. Have my own US METEORITE HUNTERS index by GPS Lat and Lon and detailed maps for EACH meteorite.. Dallas, Texas UPDATED PICTURES AS OF: 02 Dec 2000 My Hobbies: Gold prospecting, Metal detecting and Meteorites hobby pics: Meteorites found at Odessa Tx. With mag. Lg 1 at 16"+, sm at 6"+ http://images.honesty.com/imagedata/h/182/08/21820805.jpg 1856 army pistol ball and cap cylinder http://images.honesty.com/cgi-bin/honesty-image/12391569/cyl12.jpg http://images.honesty.com/cgi-bin/honesty-image/12391570/cyl3.jpg Home made dredge: http://images.honesty.com/cgi-bin/honesty-image/9448307/Dredge2.jpg (SUCKING UP--a target) Detector and suction hose http://images.honesty.com/cgi-bin/honesty-image/9448310/Dredgedt.jpg A little gold in the pan http://images.honesty.com/cgi-bin/honesty-image/3957183/Cabgold.jpgReceived on Sat 16 Dec 2000 03:03:47 AM PST |
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