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Re: tektite coloration

James & List Members:

Darryl Futrell, a member of this discussion list, has an impressive
collection of LDG, including (I believe) the world's largest intact LDG
specimen!  He can tell you better, but he's studied the petrology of LDG
quite extensively and believes LDG is essentially a layered tektites (Muong
Nong) composed of welded microtektites.  Futrell co-authored an excllent
paper with O'Keefe which is published in the best modern survey of LDG
published in the 1996 "Silica '96 Proceedings"--available on line for the
University of Milan for a whopping $75.00 (ouch!).  But this is the BEST LDG
book to date.  However, Darryl will disagree with the common explaination of
how LDG formed (as well as Darwin and Auolleoul Glass which it resembles). 
Maybe Darryl can explain?


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