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Re: Subscription to the meteorite list

Hi Julia,

>However, you have interjected a false assumption in your initial premise to
>suit your needs and then argue the point as if we are in a public forum
>any topic open to discussion.

I think you have got to be realistic. We are a public forum in that members
of the public are allowed to add their comments to the list. The list may be
privately owned, it may well have its own rules, but if you allow members of
the public to comment then you have got to be prepared to accept that some
of them will miss the point of the list and will ramble on about
inappropriate subjects.

At the end of the day the real question is what our response should be. We
could try to censor the list, but anyone who really wanted to be a nuisance
could simply use a false ID, a free e-mail address and continue to badger
the list.

In my experience - and I'm sure in yours too - if you ignore people they
tend to go away. After all, what is the point of posting a view if you don't
get any response?

> and these
>boundaries are flimsy and easily penetrable for discussion.  I'd still like
>to see a wider range of multidisiplinary discussions, but I'm not going to
>push it.  At least we can now include astrophysics , astrobiology, solar
>system formation, etc. which used to be a no-no.

One the one hand you seem to be saying that we have a set of rules that we
should all stick to and ban anyone who does not, and yet on the other hand
you are saying that we should bend the rules if and when we feel like it.
Come on Julia, you can't have it both ways!

All best,

Phil Bagnall

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