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Eric Isn't


It seems to me that compelling arguments can be made on both sides, as far as 
"forcing" someone off a list.  Eric (and, in the interest of Truth, I 
intentionally omit his last name) is clearly unconcerned with anything so 
mundane as "fact" or "science", anyone who needs to sink to using the Art 
Bell show (presumably with a straight face) as scientific proof, probably 
also believes that the moon landing was fake and pro wrestling is real.   
Ain't no cure for stupid  -  and sometimes when people fall off the turnip 
truck, it backs over their heads, too.  
I suspect that, down deep inside, he knows that he will have no success at 
actually converting anyone on a serious list to his "vast wing-nut 
conspiracy".  So his real desire is undoubtedly just stirring the pot, much 
as a petulant child needs to constantly be the center of attention.  He is 
surely enjoying this current discussion of him, even as we "speak".  But I do 
agree that the easiest (AND possibly most effective) weapon is ignoring him.  
I would be willing to bet that, from this moment on, if his blathering were 
to be met with a deafening silence, he will head for greener pastures, 
peddling his pathetic wares to people who will feed his need for controversy 
and attention and childish gratification.   He may temporarily respond by 
"upping the ante", posting an even MORE tempting level of idiotic drivel, to 
try to lure us back down to his level.   But if adults are united in a 
collective yawn, a spoiled brat will eventually pack up his li'l toys and 
seek more willing pigeons elsewhere.   And he'll take along his brother 
Darrell and his other brother Darrell.  Cast your vote by NEVER RESPONDING TO 
HIM AGAIN.  If we do, betcha we can tag his toe & close the drawer.

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