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Tut's Tektite and Iron Dagger

Dear Bernd and List,
I enjoyed you comments on the Tut Tektite and the iron dagger I would add
this however, there were among the grave goods of the young Pharaoh found
an additional dozen or so iron objects which are classic Egyptian in form
and purpose. They were small representations of implements for use in the
after life. In the book compiled and edited from Carter's original
newspaper articles he goes into some detail about them. I think it may be
too bold to say that the Egyptians did not know how to work iron. I might
agree that smelting it from ore was not known. If they had it I think they
used it, having iron in metallic form was the trick, and Carter said
nothing about the implements being of meteoritic origin, a question I have
always wanted an answer to. Perhaps someone else has the answer for these
specific artifacts if they are from meteorite iron. 

Jim Tobin
The Meteorite Exchange
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