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Re: MES etch patterns (revisited)

To whom it may concern,

Apparently only me!  I now see why I got such a limited response to my
questions regarding microscopic etch patterns (in mesosiderites).  You
all knew that I wouldn't have to go far to get my questions answered.  I
only had to go to Norton's "Rocks from Space" to get the answers:

Question:  Can an etch pattern develop in a mesosiderite?

Answer ("Rocks from Space"):  "[Mesosiderites] are troublesome to
meteoriticists, since their component parts seem unrelated.....
Occasionally there are large nodules of metal that show Widmanstatten
figures, probably representing remelting of the original metal with a
subsequent, very slow cooling period."

Question:  What can the size of etch figures tell us?  Can a pattern of
micro-etch figures infer a short cooling period?

Answer ("Rocks from Space"):  "By studying the Widmanstatten structure,
a fairly accurate idea of the cooling rate at the core can be

Thank you all for not embarrassing me with these obvious and easy to
find answers.  I'm sure you all had confidence that I could do it
NO!!! Not to embarrass myself.  To get the answers myself!

Now, Bo knows

____________________________ Reply Separator ________________________ 
Subject: MES etch patterns (revisited)
Author:  bolidechaser@tripod.net at Internet 
Date:    9/9/98 8:44 PM

>http://home1.gte.net/bverish/vaca13.jpg >http://home1.gte.net/bverish/vaca19.jpg >http://home1.gte.net/bverish/vaca20.jpg 
"How can you benefit humanity, if humanity has not a clue to 
what [meteoritics is] doing for them? It is a point that will never be
explained.!" - F. Stroike

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