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FYI to the list:

    I have extensivly searched the area of the Columbus fall, as it is
about 40 miles from my house.  I have also spoken to the finder, and
between us we probably have put in about 80 hours of searching.  The
area is bordered by sand dunes which slope onto grassy plain with
occasional grassless depressions which accumulate water after rains.
Although the finder believes there are more pieces to be found there,
none have been recovered since the initial few hours of searching.

Just in case anyone was interested.

Jim Dawdy, CEP

request@meteoritecentral.com  Thu May  7 20:56:09 1998
Received: (from slist@localhost) by mu.pair.com (8.8.8/8.6.12) id UAA12056; Thu, 7 May 1998 20:56:09 -0400 (EDT)
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Subject: Cu in meteorites
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My apologies to the astomomers who told the Press that the bright green
light from the Monahans 1998 bolide was "probably due to copper in the
ores of the meteoroid"!  I had made an inference that they were
clueless, and speculating outside their area of expertise. 
Regardless, the following was extracted from Met. Bull. 82:

> Table 7. Meteorites from the Sahara, locations unknown. 
>  Name Found Latitude1 Longitude1 Mass(g)Pcs Class2 Shock3 remarks 
>  Sahara
>  97007 97Feb y+0°08'29"Nx+0°29'16"W  252 3   H4/5  S1     native Cu in plessite!
Red or white wine with crow,
Bob Verish

"How can you benefit humanity, if humanity has not a clue to 
what (meteoritics is) doing for them? It is a point that will never be
explained.!" - F. Stroike