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Re: Cometary Shower NOW?

In your message dated Saturday 28, March 1998 you wrote :
> Hello Victor,
> It's interesting that this ties in with Ramphino's thought about a 30 million
> year extenuation cycle believed to be triggered (or helped along) by the solar
> system passing through the galactic lens and perturbing the orbits of cometary
> bodies in the Oort cloud into the inner solar system. We passed through the
> lens a few million years ago and could be seeing increased activity as a
> result. 

I think this "Galactic Cycle" has largely been disproven. See, for example, 
W.M.Napier's "Terrestrial Catastrophism and Galactic Cycles" in S.V.M.Clube 
(Ed.) "Catastrophies and Evolution: Astronomical Foundations", Cambridge 
University Press (1989) or S.Perlmutter et al "A Search for Nemesis: Current 
Status and Review of Theory" in V.I.Sharpton and P.D.Ward (Eds.) "Global 
Catastrophies in Earth History", Geological Society of America Special Paper 247 

Phil Bagnall