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Re: Asteroid Will Miss Earth By Comfortable Distance In 2028

Darryl Pitt wrote:
> please note the manipulation that's occurring here. it is not a coincidence
> that the "watch out below" story broke and that two feature films will
> imminently be released whose premise is "watch out below."

We should keep in mind that it is becoming common procedure for scientists to
issue an
announcement and request a follow-up from their peers to confirm or refine
their findings. If there was any "P.T. Barnum" activity, it came from the
media pushing the story to the front page for whatever their motivations (or
pressures) may have been.
I'm sure Darryl did not mean to imply that the scientists releasing the
original announcement were in collusion with the movie studios to promote the
upcoming releases.

And while unlikely, it's possible the news of the close approach combined with
the movies will generate a more visible debate on the subject. Given the time
it would take to get through the political and legal discussions, I doubt 30
years would provide enough time to reach a consensus and develop the agreed
upon solution 

